
Han's Crimes Essay

Decent Essays

Without A Doubt Although the jury finds Han not guilty of pre-meditated murder, the details of the story show his crime to be in fact pre-meditated murder. All evidence shows that, he has a deceptive and manipulative character. He has the opportunity to commit murder without blame, and because he has a reason. Upon hearing the interview of character witnesses and analyzing Hans 's thoughts and feelings during the course of the murder, the reader finds sufficient evidence of the several reasons Han intentionally killed his wife during the course of the act. There are three major reasons as to why Han is guilty. The first being a mistake like this cannot happen to an experienced performer, secondly Han 's manipulative character, and …show more content…

With this evidence, the next fact in the crime is what tells us of what actually set Han off into murdering his wife. The judge asks a question about whether Han thought of killing his wife and Han 's response was "The previous night… or perhaps even the same morning?"(254) The day before Han killed his wife he had thoughts about doing it and when asked why he says, "I get rather short tempered when I haven’t eaten for some time.

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