When someone is innocent, they aren’t blamed for a crime, and when someone is guilty, they are blamed. So, would Adnan Syed be innocent or guilty, for being accused of murdering Hae Min Lee? The podcast Serial is narrated by Sarah Koenig, which is about a man named Adnan Syed who was put in jail for “killing” a woman named Hae Mine Lee. Adnan’s ex-friend, Jay, accused and turned in Adnan into the police, stating that Adnan killed Hae. Because of this, Adnan was convicted of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life. After investigating the case, it is clear that Adnan is innocent because he had a good relationship with Hae after the breakup, he was a good student, and there was no trace of Adnan that showed he killed Hae. To begin with, …show more content…
Adnan’s ex-friend, Jay, told the police and detectives that he witness seeing Adnan opening the trunk to Hae’s car, with her dead body inside. Jay states, “He opens the trunk. And all I see Hae’s lips are all blue, and she’s pretzeled up in the back of the trunk. And she’s dead,” (Ep. 1, p. 9). This means that Jay saw Hae dead in the trunk of her own car, with Adnan by his side. Furthermore, this shows that Jay was the only one to witness seeing Hae dead, which means that Jay didn’t have an alibi to back him up with his accusation. When Sarah Koenig looks further into the investigation, she realizes an important detail. Sarah Koenig narrates that, “As for physical evidence, there was none-- nothing. Apart from some fingerprints in Hae’s car, which Adnan has been in many times, there was nothing linking him to the crime-- no DNA, no fibers, no hairs, no matching soils from the bottom of his boots,” (Ep. 1, p. 6). Here, Sarah is making the point that there was no proof that Adnan was the one who actually killed Hae. Nothing from the hairs on his body to the dirt on his books physically proved that he was even at the scene of the murder. Thus, Adnan is innocent because there was no trace of himself, on Hae or her car, that showed that he killed …show more content…
Since Adnan had a lot of free time before track practice started, he usually went to the library to check his email, however, on the day Hae was killed, he talked to Asia McClain. Sarah Koenig states that, “This hour and change is a crucial window. This is the time when the states says Hae was killed. School got out at 2:15. People remember seeing her after her last class heading to her car. According to Jay's story and the cellphone records, she was dead by 2:36 PM. So sometime in those 21 minutes, between 2:15 and 2:36, she was strangled,” (Ep. 1, p. 14). This shows that Adnan had enough time to kill Hae and then go back to the school to have witnesses. Moreover, it usually takes about five minutes to check and email, and about ten minutes to have a small conversation with Asia McClain. Because of this, he had less than ten minutes to kill Hae, and then head back to school. However, Asia remembers talking to Adnan, while she was waiting for her boyfriend to come pick her up. In one of Asia’s many letters, she mentions a crucial detail. The letter states, "’Asia plus boyfriend saw him in library 2:15 to 3:15,’" (Ep. 1, p. 19). This shows that Adnan had two alibis, Asia, and her boyfriend, who both happened to see Adnan at the library during the time when Hae was strangled. Furthermore, Asia remembered seeing Adnan at the library that day, because there was a
Adnan Syed is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, and various factors present him as a very likely suspect. Information put together by the state don’t add up, but instead prove he is innocent. Is Adnan guilty or innocent for his ex-girlfriend’s death? In the Serial Podcast, journalist Sarah Koenig discusses the case, committed almost seventeen years ago, and uncovers new evidence that indicates Adnan’s innocence. Adnan Syed has been viewed as a boyfriend, honor roll student, and a murderer. Many described him as a smart, flirtatious, and a likable high schooler. On January 13, 1999, his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, was murdered. Investigators immediately assumed Adnan as the primary suspect because Hae had broken up with him, a month
Most people don’t think adnan is guilty since there isn’t enough evidence . When you start to look at all the evidence and all the stories that were told it all truly comes back onto adnan. Adnan is guilty for the crime he did because he can’t recall where he was on current day, every speech he has given it falls back on him, and most of all adnan is in every evidence that anyone gives.
Although I believe adnan is guilty because he killed hae, some may argue he is innocent because he was a good kid. This reason makes sense because he volunteers to help the community. This part of the story is when adnan and his friends are going to say all of the good things he did. Most people in the community are saying that he was a great kid but he still did bad stuff in the low. This proves that he is innocent because most people knows adnan and most people are saying he was a good guy.
There has been a lot of speculation and internal conflict as to who committed Hae’s murder. At some points, I thought that surely Adnan had done it. However at other points, there was no way that he had killed her. Based on the lack of physical evidence against him, I do not believe that Adnan committed the murder.
Firstly, the Nisha call placed Adnan with Jay after the murder. This call could have been a butt-dial that rang for 2 minutes. The call could have been from Adnan, who wanted to make Jay talk with Nisha. The Nisha call does not prove Adnan killed Hae, as it simply just puts him with Jay at the time. Also, the prosecution stated that Adnan was constantly doing bad things. Everyone does bad things, but it does not make them murderers. Finally, Jay knew the location of Hae’s car. The fact that Jay knew the location of Hae’s car should arouse suspicion on him. The evidence utilized by the prosecution is circumstantial and can be disproved, and the lack of strong evidence proves Adnan’s
Adnan is probably innocent because the only solid evidence is Jay’s inconsistent testimony. The first evidence is the police audio when the first audio played jay mentions that he Adnan were at on the mall and the other audio mentions that they were at a different mall. And the second evidence is the court tapes when Adnan lawyer is questioning jay and changes his answers at the moment when jay was at the stage. And last evidence is Jay’s lack of memory because hard to believe that he forgot the day/night that he saw a dead body for the first time (Hae Min Lee’ Body)
Proving whether or not someone is innocent or guilty is a difficult task. That's why we rely on court hearings, lawyers, judges and unbiased jury members to help decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of crime. In the court of law, Every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. On January 13th, 1999, Adnan Syed supposedly murdered his 18 year old ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee by manual strangulation. Hae Min Lee’s body was found in Leakin Park located in Baltimore City Maryland. On February 25, 2000 Adnan Syed was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years, for the murder of Hae Min Lee. During the trial, Jay Wilds testimony became the sole focus of the investigation and eventually the conviction. 15 years later, extensive
My verdict is Adnan Syed is innocent of the murder of Hae Min Lee. I reached this verdict after analyzing the evidence and determining that there was a reasonable doubt that he committed the murder. The following pieces of evidence showed he was not linked to the crime: The first piece of evidence talks about the lack of physical proof.
We believe that Jay is guilty. In the next five minutes we will prove to you that Adnan is in fact innocent and why Jay should be in jail. Adnan was close friends with Jay’s girlfriend Stephanie which is what we believe Jay’s motive was to murder Hae. The court convicted Adnan of the murder with the motive of being jealous of Hae’s new relationship. We argue that the motive of jealousy was what made Jay kill Hae Min Lee.
Think about how often people get arrested and how often trials are held every year, let alone every day. Oftentimes, innocent people are accused and charged for a crime that wasn’t their fault. This was the case for Adnan Syed, an innocent guy who was put in jail for a murder case. On January 13, 1999, Hae Min Lee was murdered at the age of 17. The evidence in this case was very unexplainable, but of course, the state went after Hae’s ex-boyfriend Adnan who really had nothing to do with the murder. Things that prove Adnan’s innocence are the breakup between him and Hae, how Adnan thought about and his feelings towards Hae, how the times and stories told with others didn’t suit well, and his alibi. Additionally, his DNA didn’t match with items
He has a lot of girls!’” (Episode 2: The Breakup p. 37). When someone is going around dating other people, it is apparent that they have moved on with their lives. If this is true about Adnan, he couldn’t have been the one to commit the crime, as people who trust that he is guilty are convinced that his main motive for killing Hae was because he was broken-hearted. This next quotation is from the part of the story when Koenig was discussing matters on the phone with a former schoolmate of Adnan’s, Asia McClain, who is yet another important person in the case. McClain was talking about a conversation she had had with Adnan while she was waiting to be picked up from the library. “And he told me that him and Hae had broke up. And I was like, oh, well, that 's a bummer. And I was like, what happened? And he was like, oh, well, she is seeing this other guy, some white dude, but he was pretty chill about it. He was just like, you know, well, if she doesn 't want to be with me, then that 's fine. I just wish the best for her-- that kind of attitude.” (Episode 1: The Alibi p. 24). In the words of McClain, “...but he was pretty chill about it.” What she meant by this was that Adnan didn’t overreact about he and Hae splitting, because if he did, it would show that he was irate with the fact that his relationship with her ended. Adnan did not show any signs of jealousy or anger towards Hae, thus proving that he didn’t have a motive to kill her.
Physical evidence was extremely lacking, and all DNA tests conducted were clear of Syed’s DNA. Therefore, it is more than likely that Syed is innocent. The evidence, or lack thereof, presented in the case of Adnan Syed v. State of Maryland proves that Adnan Syed is not guilty of the murder of Hae Min Lee.
On January 13, at the time the State claims Hae was murdered, Adnan was at the Woodlawn Public Library, and there was a witness to prove it. “Her name's Asia McClain. [Adnan’s] like, right after I got arrested, she wrote me a couple of letters. And she said she also went to see my family. And she said she specifically remembers me being at the library, at the public library, right after school.” (Koenig 8) This demonstrates clearly that Adnan couldn’t have killed Hae between 2:15 and 2:36, and there’s a witness to prove this fact. Also, Hae was in a different location at that time, because a girl named Summer talked to her after school that day. “Summer said this conversation about Hae not getting on the bus happened… probably at around 2:30, 2:45… (Summer) All of the things that I’m unclear about or kinda shaky about, or-- I am clear on that. 2:36 would not have been possible for her to even have met him wherever because I know for a fact that she was with me during that time, or at the school during that time.” (Koenig 9) Summer confirms that Hae was not killed between 2:15 and 2:36, even though that’s what the State says. Summer is confirming that the State is wrong
A lot of people wonder if Adnan Syed is guilty or innocent, today as a legal assistant I'm going to tell you one important reason why he is innocent. Adnan is not guilty because there is another potential suspect like Jay. Jay's story that "proves" Adnan's guilt, has changed every interview and testimony. Jay had intimate knowledge of the crime he knew things, like if he knew every single thing that Adnan was thinking about which makes everything looked suspicious. Also Jay's stories don't quite match Adnan's cell records.
With the State’s defense crumbling without Jay’s testimony, what is the evidence against Adnan? There is physical evidence linking him to the murder, that is undisputable. So what does the state have? A palm print of Adnan’s on the back of an Atlas but not on the most incriminating page is about it for the State. If we stripped this case of Jay and all the “maybe” evidence you’re left with motive. It’s simple because Adnan didn’t have one. He was friends with Hae, Adnan was civil towards her and her new boyfriend, and he himself had already moved on as well. If we put this case back together and include all the so-called evidence then we need an alibi for