
Happiness And Happiness: Are The Problem Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Happiness. Is it really as elusive as some might say? Are the problems of the world, or even just the ones in your own life, enough to steal your happiness and joy?

I don't think so. Happy is a choice you make every moment and in every circumstance. You can choose to be miserable and depressed, or you can choose to look at life from a 'glass half-full' perspective. The nice thing about a glass that's only half full is there's still room for more! You've got enough, and that's great; but what else might come along to fill your heart (or your glass) to overflowing? Just thinking about the possibilities should make you smile.

Please understand that no matter what you're dealing with, there are ways to 'get' happy. Here are some of the other things you can 'get' to help you along.

Get Faith. ... whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he (Prov. 16:20) For it is God who worketh in …show more content…

He that despiseth his neighbor sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. (Prov. 14:21) Remember that 'Lost and Found' list? Well, you need to lose all those feelings of hurt, anger, envy, resentment and unforgiveness. If you do, you'll find the joy, peace and happiness you seek.

You see, joy can't live with anger any more than love can dwell with hate. You can't go south if you're headed north. Jesus said, "If you have aught against any, forgive." No matter whom it is, no matter what the reason. So get over it! Forgive everyone for everything. Cut the chains of past hurts that are holding you prisoner. You're the one who gets free!

Get out of debt. Owe no man anything but to love him ... (Rom. 13:8). This might seem to be a strange point when we're dealing with happiness. After all, everyone understands that 'money doesn't buy happiness'. However, you know how difficult it is to be positive if you owe everyone and his brother. When the payments are greater than the paycheck, happy is elusive. You're too busy worrying about how to keep the creditors off your

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