
Hard Boiled Egg Research

Satisfactory Essays

The game that we made which Its called egg smasher. When you play the egg smasher your goal is to pick a hard-boiled egg if you do you win a prize. If I were to tell you if the game is fair or not I would tell u that it is not fair because there is a 5/12 chance of getting a hard-boiled egg. The way that I could make the game fair is by making it equal and having 6 hard-boiled eggs and 6 normal eggs. So the probability of winning is 5/12. Here is the theoretical probability. There is 4 kid that walks up to the stand the first kid picks a hard-boiled egg. The 2nd kid gets a normal egg the 3rd one gets a normal and same with the 4th. The sample space for our activity is hard-boiled and normal eggs. When we ran the simulation we used a probability

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