
Harry Potter Hero

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The writer Ramaswamy once said “noble virtues such as courage, wisdom, patriotism, generosity, kindness and willingness for self-sacrifice are universally admired qualities in a hero.” (Ramaswamy). The British author J. K. Rowling took these qualities and created the epitome of the heroic protagonist when she created her character, Harry Potter for the popular eponymous series. In the fantasy genre, heroes must go beyond the gender norm of saving the damsel in distress and display courage, accept help and be selfless as they guide the reader and themselves against adversity. One book in the series “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone” illustrates Harry’s heroic adventure as he becomes a full-blown hero. Harry goes into a world filled with …show more content…

The Dark Lord goes onto slay Potter’s parents and attempts to slay Potter. Potter survives and prophesizes that he will seek vengeance against the Dark Lord. In the present, Harry is an orphaned boy living with his aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley Dursley at number four Privet Drive in England. Harry is unloved, bullied, and underfed, and he believes there is nothing special about himself, other than the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Just before Harry's eleventh birthday, though, he receives a mysterious letter--his first correspondence ever--that is confiscated by his uncle, along with hundreds of subsequent letters from the same sender. Despite Mr. Dursley's attempts to take the family into hiding to avoid the mail, the letters continue coming. (Rowling). These events will result in a call of action to Potter by propelling him …show more content…

Some of the guardians of the Sorcerer’s stone, include Fluffy, the three-headed dog, the devil’s snare that employs its vines and tendrils to entangle anyone who disturbs it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them, and the flying keys which swarmed after Harry when he hopped on a broom to catch the old key. The last protector is the human chess game in which Harry, and his friends Hermione, and Ron end up playing as real players. Both Hermione and Ron aid Harry to get through these difficult challenges. Hermione is the knowledgeable one, she guides Harry with her knowledge. She is the only of the three that can identify how to ward off the constricting vines of Devil's Snare. “Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster.” (HPSS) Ron shows selflessness and generosity with his willingness to be attacked by the atrocious chess queen. Ron tells Harry, “That’s chess. You’ve got to make sacrifices! I’ll take one step forward and she’ll take me – that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry.”

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