The writer Ramaswamy once said “noble virtues such as courage, wisdom, patriotism, generosity, kindness and willingness for self-sacrifice are universally admired qualities in a hero.” (Ramaswamy). The British author J. K. Rowling took these qualities and created the epitome of the heroic protagonist when she created her character, Harry Potter for the popular eponymous series. In the fantasy genre, heroes must go beyond the gender norm of saving the damsel in distress and display courage, accept help and be selfless as they guide the reader and themselves against adversity. One book in the series “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone” illustrates Harry’s heroic adventure as he becomes a full-blown hero. Harry goes into a world filled with …show more content…
The Dark Lord goes onto slay Potter’s parents and attempts to slay Potter. Potter survives and prophesizes that he will seek vengeance against the Dark Lord. In the present, Harry is an orphaned boy living with his aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley Dursley at number four Privet Drive in England. Harry is unloved, bullied, and underfed, and he believes there is nothing special about himself, other than the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Just before Harry's eleventh birthday, though, he receives a mysterious letter--his first correspondence ever--that is confiscated by his uncle, along with hundreds of subsequent letters from the same sender. Despite Mr. Dursley's attempts to take the family into hiding to avoid the mail, the letters continue coming. (Rowling). These events will result in a call of action to Potter by propelling him …show more content…
Some of the guardians of the Sorcerer’s stone, include Fluffy, the three-headed dog, the devil’s snare that employs its vines and tendrils to entangle anyone who disturbs it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them, and the flying keys which swarmed after Harry when he hopped on a broom to catch the old key. The last protector is the human chess game in which Harry, and his friends Hermione, and Ron end up playing as real players. Both Hermione and Ron aid Harry to get through these difficult challenges. Hermione is the knowledgeable one, she guides Harry with her knowledge. She is the only of the three that can identify how to ward off the constricting vines of Devil's Snare. “Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster.” (HPSS) Ron shows selflessness and generosity with his willingness to be attacked by the atrocious chess queen. Ron tells Harry, “That’s chess. You’ve got to make sacrifices! I’ll take one step forward and she’ll take me – that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry.”
Soon after entering Hogwarts, Harry must face a road of trials which will eventually lead him to achieve his unlikely treasure. While roaming the halls after curfew, Harry receives detention in the forbidden forest, and comes face to face with the Dark Lord. Other obstacles come to place when Harry travels down the trap door into the chambers; such as devil’s snare, a human wizard’s chess game, and the room of keys (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone). The series of tests make Harry’s mission difficult; however, the knowledge he gains from the unsuccessful trials bring him closer to his main goal. These minor bumps in Harry’s journey strengthen him emotionally and physically, readying him to defeat the traitor at the end of his succession of tests. Unexpectedly, the betrayal comes from the quivering Professor Quirrell who voluntarily gives up his body to the Dark Lord. Harry sees himself in the mirror and realizes he is magically in possession of the Sorcerer’s Stone. Shortly
We have all had someone whom we have considered our hero. We call them our hero because they have exhibited certain characteristics that make us feel safe or protected in harmful situations. A few books demonstrate heroic characteristics masterfully through their characters. Beowulf portrays a strong, self-sacrificing hero. Canterbury Tales shows us a wise and caring hero. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight displays a flawed, loyal hero. These three men give us some of the attributes it takes to be considered a hero. These books tell us that to be a hero, you have to sacrifice, have wisdom, and loyalty.
A modern character that I consider to be a hero and show bravery is Harry Potter. He shows bravery in order to face all the obstacles and trials that come his way. If heroes weren’t brave and courageous think of how different our world would be. Would you be where you are today?
What is a hero’s cycle? The hero’s cycle is a quest pattern that all heroes (someone who embarks on a quest) follow. The hero’s cycle is found in almost all myths, legends and novels. A great example of the hero’s cycle could be seen in the novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The main character, Harry Potter, goes through three important stages of the cycle, the departure, initiation, and the return stage. Theses stages have subdivisions which not only contributes to the growth of the hero, but also lays out what a hero goes through in order to achieve his/her quest.
Harry Potter is a hero that is well known to almost all people of all ages as the hero that thrived in the magical wizarding world that lied in the most unnoticeable places in London, England. As a hero, this young man that “muggles” around the world have grown up knowing as a beloved book character, has heroic traits he was born with, is a legend amongst wizards and witches, and has a conflict he must face. In this paper, one shall explore what all of these things mean, and how it makes the beloved story character a true epic hero.
Before Harry got taken to the Dursleys Voldemort killed his parents. Right as Voldemort attempted to kill Harry the magic from his wand made a big explosion Voldemort disappeared no one saw him sense. Harry got left on the front porch of the Dursleys. Harry’s life growing up with the Dursleys? Absolutely miserable! One day all that changed. Harry got sent off to Hogwarts to learn about wizardry.
Hero - Percy Jackson, the hero of the book, comes across as every kid you'd ever meet or ever would. He's no brainiac (he has dyslexia and ADHD) but he has friends who are. But he is courageous and clever, stubborn and loyal. He is the best he can be, and he's getting even better.
The Harry Potter book series has sold over 450 million copies and is currently translated into almost every language on the face of the earth (“Harry Potter”). Millions have faithfully followed the story about this magical world and have fallen in love with the many enchanting characters. What most readers do not recognize is the prominence that classical Greek/Roman mythological allusions play in the beloved roles in Harry Potter through their names and personality attributes. The importance of names is extremely significant to a person’s identity, especially in literature where words are meant to bring stories to life. Rowling continues this concept through her characters by linking her characters names to classical folklore charismas that share similar personas. Rowling does a fantastic job with cleverly connecting her characters to classical Greek/Roman mythological figures through the etymology of their names and similar personality traits to their wizard counterparts, such as Professor McGonagall and Filch.
Harry Potter believed he was just an ordinary child living an ordinary life. Little did he know, one event was going to change his life forever. In becoming a hero, Harry goes through three major stages. First he will go through the departure stage where he will get called to the adventure and the appearance of the supernatural aid. Secondly he will go through the initiation stage where he will have atonement with his father. Lastly he will go into the return stage where he will cross the returning threshold.
Can you imagine sacrificing your life to protect someone you hate? What about destroying your own life, so much so that you become hated and misjudged just so you can defeat someone. Someone who has killed the girl who you loved all this time, but she never loved you back. This character who I am describing is such an underrated hero. Who is this? Severus Snape, from the Harry Potter series. Snape is by far, the best YA hero. He is loyal to others, selfless, and his failures only make him stronger.
Harry Potter is a fascinating tale of sorcerers, wands, broomsticks, dragons, and magic. The story begins with a young boy named Harry Potter who lives at number four Privit Drive, Surray, England. His journey begins after the death of his parents at the hands of the evil Lord Voldemort. Harry learns of his past and his future as a wizard from Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He travels to Hogwarts where he learns spells and enchantments, makes new friends, finds enemies, and discovers fantastic secretes. J.K. Rowling weaves a web of impeccable storytelling with this critically acclaimed novel. In the tale of Harry Potter imagery, symbolism, and motif take central focus.
Hermione Granger is a famous literary icon from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Throughout the series, Hermione was known for being very studious and very by the rules. In most others’ eyes she was a bookworm, socially awkward, and a teacher’s pet. There was much more to Hermione Granger than that; she was clever, kind, and extremely moral in her decisions at a young age. As Hermione grew up throughout the series, she became a beautiful and strong protagonist without having to change her intellect. She was able to break many different expectations during her years in school, one of which showing how girls can be beautiful and smart. She also broke the expectation of being only a teacher's pet when she went on dangerous adventures with her
How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero with the ability to fly, or run fast; to others a hero may be saving someone who is in dangers; others may define a hero as one who is able to help another in various ways. Harry Potter is a orphan boy who find out he is a wizard and goes to a magic school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While he is at Hogwarts, he develops his supernatural qualities, goes on a journey, and defeats evil. Although Harry Potter is not a Epic hero in the same way as Odysseus, Harry Potter still fulfills the stages of epic hero cycle and proves that he is a hero by overcome obstacles and showing his bravery, and selflessness.
Harry Potter is living in the ordinary world with his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin who treat him with very little respect. He begins to receive mysterious letters which are addressed explicitly to him. His aunt and
Harry Potter commits and act of heroism in order to establish or maintain a name for one's self. This is shown in the story of Esfandyar. Esfandyar had been known to the people of Persia as a great fighter and one who has never lost a battle (i.e. pre-established fame). There is a difference between Esfandyar and Harry. Esfandyar was not out to prove his fame, he was merely trying to obey the orders of his father, the king of Persia. While Harry on the other hand preformed these heroic acts to show his valor and to show his classmates that he was as good as the legends say.