
Essay on Harry Potter

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Running Head: Concepts of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone

Within the story of Harry Potter there are many concepts to be noted. This book is interesting and very different from any other book. These many concepts will tell you about some of these strange things that goes on.
Shortly after Harry was born a villain called Voldermont killed his parents. Somehow Harry did not die from Voldermont, but not only did he live, he almost killed this great dart magician. As the only survivor, a giant called Hagrid took him to his Aunt and Uncle Dursleys house and left them on the doorstep with a note. Ever since that day, he has been living in a blended family. That is a family …show more content…

By definition Harry had an ascribed status in his life. Ever since he was a little boy and lived through one of the best dark magicians’ magic, he was known as the boy who lived. Everyone knew who he was. When he went to dragon alley with Hagrid, at school, everybody whispered about him as he passed in the hallways.
As soon as Harry passed through that gate of nine and three-quarters he entered a kind of total institution. A place where he was cut off from the society that he knows and would then be controlled by the officials, or a principal and teachers. This happens because he can’t really go back home with out regretting it and when he gets there like always the principal and teachers basically control you anyway.
The looking-glass self happens when our self develops by internalizing others reactions from what we say or others say. A good example of this is when everyone is on the train riding to Hogwarts. Harry was talking to one of his friends and was talking about Voldermont. Every time he said that name, his friend told him that he shouldn’t use that name and just say you know who. Harry learned this fast because every time he’d say it, his friend would either tell him or get a scared look on his face.
When Harry arrives he is a hero to almost everyone before he even knows who they are. Now he

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