
Hart Team America

Decent Essays

Ms. Hart and a student on Team America were both assessing a mathematical expression which consists of dividing decimals: 146.4 ÷ 0.32. Bewildered at the difficulty of the problem, they each evaluated the expression. However, the student had analyzed a differentiated solution. Most students would directly assume that Ms. Hart, as a teacher, would have the correct resolution. On the contrary, the student claimed she was accurate. Who will stand corrected? In order to precisely evaluate an expression involving the division of decimals, there are certain steps to ensure success:
If the divisor is not a whole number, move decimal point to the right to make it a whole number and move decimal point in dividend the same number of places.
Divide as usual.
Put …show more content…

Hart and the student’s work, the miscalculation is pointed out. The student has correctly analyzed the first step. Conversely, the teacher mistakenly divided 146.4 by 100 instead of multiplication, placing one of the main components of her expression to be 1.464 - incorrect. This affects every step after, although the operation and method used is correct. Nevertheless, the student may still be wrong as well.
Continuing the process of evaluating the expression, the next step is to divide as usual. Following the standard process of dividing whole numbers, the exact quotient received should be 457.5. With step 3 already done, the final action would be to check the answer. That can be done with the inverse operation of division, multiplication. 457.5 × 0.32 = 146.4. This proves that 457.5 is the error-free, precise quotient.
Evidently supported by a carefully checked run through of the steps needed, the student has received the honor of evaluating the expression accurately. Ms. Hart had erroneously used the wrong equation on step 1. Everyone makes mistakes! This depicts how using the right strategy and checking after each move can lead to conquering the expression and a genius, mathematical

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