
Has Globalization Reinforced or Undermined the Legitimacy of the Nation-State?

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Has Globalization reinforced or undermined the legitimacy of the nation-state?

Globalisation is a phenomenon that has been increasingly used in the lexicon since the latter half of the 1980’s, achieving widespread and common currency amongst politicians, political analysts, academics, economists, the media, business, trade and finance. The term has become synonymous with the “global village” concept, where nations and states are drawn closer together; where economic, political and cultural spheres extend across the world’s major regions and continents. A world where development in one part of the globe will impact life in another part of the globe. The polemic surrounding the process of globalization has hitherto been a highly …show more content…

Exclusive control meant an end to sharing joint sovereignty with other states, pertaining to their respective domestic jurisdictions. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as states transformed into nation-states, the Westphalian system came to be regarded as the international system. Therefore with the advent of international relations between states and globalization, it becomes immediately obvious that the Westphalian system is obsolete, although the state survives in a more advanced and robust form.

The concept of sovereignty originally intended to establish order within a state at the Peace of Westphalia, has been interpreted as legally, placing the state above the authority of all external laws. However in the real world today, international, political, judicial and practical obligations of states in the international system, such as becoming signatory to an international treaty, or when states are bound to abide by customary international law, the criteria of sovereignty as it was originally conceived in the Seventeenth Century is no longer is tenable. However it is testament to the resilience of sovereignty, that it persists in the age of globalization and manifests in the state’s functions and exercise of domestic law and maintaining

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