Horses have injured me, made me cry, made me swear, pissed me off until my breaking point, made me do stupid things, made me hate other people, made my heart break, put my heart back together, helped me when I was alone, been there when I did not need them, pushed me, made me work harder, faster and better than anyone else. They made me jealous, made me self-centered, made me happy, abused me, used me, tore me apart, healed me, helped me, loved me, protected me, made me laugh, helped me, put me down, made me a better person, made me want to help others. In every aspect of who I am, horses are there. They have made me the person I am today. If you like me, thank them, if you hate me well to
Crazy Horse is apart of the Oglala Lakota tribe and is from Rapid City, SD. He lived from 1840 to 1877. Crazy Horse is most famous for “Battle of Little Bighorn” and resisting being put on a reservation. During this time he was constantly running and fighting. But, he surrendered eventually. Of course not by choice though.
The word "draft" originally comes from "draught," an old word that means "to pull something." From early plows to carriages to fire trucks, draft horses have pulled them all. Without strong draft horse breeds, this country wouldn't have been built. The original work horse plowed the farms, provided transportation and helped to build the great American railroads. With the onset of the automobile, the number of draft horse breeds in the U.S. rapidly declined, but the proud work horse is enjoying resurgence and making a comeback.
All great legends in history must be honored for their sacrifice and leadership that marks a path in recent history. This is why one of the most patriotic and legendary warriors of the Old West known as Crazy Horse is still considered a historical symbol. Crazy Horse was a true American Indian whose independent and fierce spirit during a battle aids as an example of how a leader ought to be. His journey is a celebration of his time and his legacy. Let us reminisce about this era and how Crazy Horse arose to be a fearless Lakota leader.
A Determined Era The American West was full of grit, workers with sweat on their brows, and determination in their hearts. Everything was done by hand or on the back of a horse, and the only law around was the gun. Between the years of 1800 to 1870, Americans embraced this lifestyle with full force, and were ready to face any obstacles that stood in their way. The country’s population was growing, and settlers were moving west as fast as the government expanded the nation’s borders.
In the fictional biography, The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History, one of the first and most important boons that Crazy Horse receives is his name. This is important because it is one of the first of the many distinctions he receives for his skill and bravery out on the battlefield. It also signifies the end of his boyhood as Light Hair and the start of his journey as Crazy Horse. Most of all, though, it is the gift that no one can take away from him and something that will continue to be his even after death. All of his material possessions are long since lost to time but his name still lives on and will continue to live on as long as he is remembered.
The horse (Equus ferus caballus)[2][3] is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. It is an odd-toed ungulate mammal belonging to the taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral populations are not true wild horses, as this term is used to describe horses that have never been domesticated, such as the endangered Przewalski's horse, a separate subspecies, and the only remaining true wild horse. There is an extensive, specialized vocabulary used to describe equine-related concepts, covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors, markings, breeds, locomotion, and behavior.
Horses affect the world by carrying the heavy loads of the Native Americans and carrying lame or sick people, helping mail cross the country or kingdoms, and helping the Native Americans and Pioneers hunt. So, horses are a big part of the world with their strong and trustworthy attitude. Horses did help the world, and in ways still
The European settlement of North America met its fiercest opponent, the Lakota also known as the Western Sioux, who inhabited most of the Great Plains. The Oglala tribe, a branch of the Sioux nation were key in the resistance against the white man. At the heart of their resistance stood crazy horse, a warrior that had no equal. Crazy Horse fought for the traditions of his people, until those same people wearied of war and in some cases, turned against him. Chief Crazy Horse led an extraordinary life and will always be remembered.
They can help the individual build confidence, trust,and social skills. Horses may also deal with some relating issues so it makes it easier to build a connection with the horse and their handler. Horses only react to the handler's behavior and emotional status. Horses aren't there to judge your appearance or what happened to the you in the past they are just there to help in the present. Most people like this option because some people believe that they will be judged by a human therapist doctor and most of the patients know that the horses won't judge them on what they look like or been through. This helps people build self esteem and self confidence. Through the years children and adults who participate riding programs improve in physical and social function. Studies have shown that therapeutic riding has shown positive outcomes that change people's lives for the better. Some have been able to gain the function to walk and talk better then before or even for the first time. This is because of the socializing, movement, and the need for balance on a horse. Through movement with the horse and the interaction with the people that work there, children and adults also have improved in other things such as physical function, emotional stability and social interactions. Challenging activities help gain more balance and control, and posture as the horses shows the motivation towards the
Horses are kind, gentle, and loving animals. They have been in many movies and are in many sports and books. I am going to share 3 essential, important, questions about horses that I think you should know. Did horses evolve from a different animal?
If you’ve ever owned an animal, you know that being around them can be extremely therapeutic. After a stressful day at work or school, it is always nice to come home to your pet and feel comforted by them. Many dog owners even claim that their dogs can feel their pain. However, if you speak to anyone who has been spent their life around horses, they’ll tell you that the connection between horse and rider is unlike any other. Norwegian researcher Anita Maurstad explains in a recent article, that over time horse and rider can become so attuned to each other that they develop a state of co-being. Maurstad also found, through research, that horses appear to learn to relate to humans in ways that provide them with a good quality of life. A recent study from Washington State university has concluded that kids who work with horses have significantly lower stress levels. In addition to these, there have been numerous other studies that show that working with horses decreases blood pressure, reduced feelings of anger, tension, and anxiety. Riding horses also allows you to gain feelings of self esteem, empowerment, patience, and trust. Because of the overwhelming positive effects that horses seem to have, horses are no longer being used just for recreational or agricultural
Horses are incredible creatures that have shaped history around the globe. There are over 150 different breeds of horses that have countless skills. Between their extraordinary intelligence and obedience, horses have worked at the mercy of humans for many different reasons. Their expertise ranges from being one of the fastest modes of transportation on land, to helping fight in wars, herd cattle and even serve as a source of recreation or sport (Duren). Horses have been present throughout all of history up until present day specifically in religions or cultures, war, and their uses in modern times.
Pounding hooves, flying mane and tail, soulful eyes… Probably talking about a horse. Horses are one of the most valuable animals in the world. They are extremely well rounded. They can be energetic, but calm, strong, but gentle with children, dangerous, but one of the best companions you will ever have. Horses also can do a variety of things, such as show jumping, draft work, and cross country.
When many people approach a horse, they instantly feel cautious of their surroundings. These people tense up and become terrified because of the horse’s size, how they look, or just because they have heard of people being injured from horses. Many people are intimidated by how big some horses can be and they do not want to be around them. Horses are only thought to be a dangerous animal, but they have helped humans in many ways. For instance, they have helped with farm work that humans couldn’t have done by themselves, and they were a mode of human transportation for many years. The things horses have done for humans have helped in many ways, but horses have many other purposes that can help people out. Although many people agree
Using participant observations and personal stories, my own personal experience and articles I will discuss the positive effects one can have with from this relationship with the horse.