
Having A Single Parent Home In Canada

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In Canada, 1,527,840 families have a single parent home. In the world, 320 million children live in a single parent home. Having two parents doubles the amount of role models in the home. Having one parent does influence a child’s life greatly. In the novel Spoiled, Molly Dix grew up with only a mother, and Brooke Berlin grew up having her celebrity father who was unavailable most of the time, while her mother had left her father and herself at a very young age. The novel proved how important it was having a healthy parent relationship with their child, even with only one parent, and how it affected both girls’ lives. Having a single parent home can alter a child’s behaviour in their social life, mental and physical state. A child that …show more content…

When in a single parent home that has just gone through a divorce or death, a child can feel a range of emotions that can cause a negative mental being. Some of the emotions that kids can feel are; fear of being abandoned, guilty for fear of causing divorce, anger at parents for separation, and insecure about themselves and what others might think of their status at home. “Insecurity can cause children to behave like they are much younger and therefore bedwetting, 'clinginess', nightmares, worries or disobedience can all occur” ( ). “Children from single-parent families are twice as likely to suffer from mental health problems as those living with married parents, especially boys” ( Common mental health issues that children in single- parent families suffer from are- depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), conduct disorders, and attention deficit disorder (ADD). In Spoiled, Brooke Berlin behaves poorly towards her half- sister Molly, which attracts attention to herself from her father who is scarcely in her life because of his celebrity status. Using these examples, it is simple to see how children are greatly affected mentally by living in a single parent

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