
Health Assessment Essay

Decent Essays

The most important driver affecting the health assessment sector as it pertains to obtaining insurance is what will happen to the ACA; unfortunately, as not even experts know what will happen to the ACA, it is impossible to accurately predict the market growth for health assessments at this time.

Hello! Thanks for your question about the probable growth of the US health assessment market. The short version is that after searching extensively through industry reports, government reports, and news from trusted media sources, I’ve determined that the information you requested is not publicly available because at the present time, questions about the ultimate fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) make it impossible to predict how the …show more content…

These premiums, which can be as high as $686 for a 40-year-old, risk driving healthier consumers out of the market. While many of the changes being proposed have to do with small businesses, and are therefore out of scope for your question, there are discussions which affect this questions, such as whether to allow individual consumers to buy less comprehensive, short-term policies and what effect this would have on the market.

There is of course debate not only about the fate of the ACA, but what any given possibility would mean in real numbers. So for example, if the ACA remains in place, but insufficient action is taken to curb rising premiums, healthy individuals without a group plan (e.g., through their employer) could flee the market. If those with preexisting conditions and older customers--the only consumers likely to need physical exams to obtain insurance--continued to bear the expense of insuring themselves without going into the ACA exchanges (which never require an exam), then the health assessment market would likely remain stable in the short term. However, rising premiums would eventually erode even this customer base.

If the ACA is appealed, on the other hand, we expect that the healthcare assessment market would remain flat or possibly grow only a small amount. The Kaiser Family Foundation shows

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