
Health Care Executive Summary

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Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, emergency department (ED) volume has increased exceeding 15% over budget in our facility in approximately one-year. This phenomenon is not isolated to our facility, it is a nationwide issue (American College of Emergency Physicians, 2014). In addition, ED lobby wait time has increased and the left without being seen (LWBS) numbers have climbed to over 6%. Furthermore, the ED was increasingly boarding admitted patients.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have established quality measures for eligible hospitals that include ED throughput time and ED arrival to disposition for admitted patients, creating additional pressure for ED leadership to address the issues (Center …show more content…

Patient satisfaction remained the lowest for EDs in our system. As a major stakeholder, the hospital faced serious liability were there a bad outcome due to the extended lobby wait times and inadequate staffing.
Physicians were frustrated as often there were patients in the lobby, nevertheless, there were not enough nurses on shift to bring them from the lobby to the acute care area which left the doctors with nothing to do.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) became exasperated as they would arrive with ambulance patients and not be able to off-load them and return to service, clearly placing the community at large in danger (Williams II & Hertelendy, 2014).
It is very difficult to recruit experienced nurses to our community as there are minimal jobs available to non-nurses if they are relocating with a partner. Furthermore, the existing staffing model incorporated very few 12-hours shifts, which proved to be highly desired by external applicants.
What arguments were you trying to counter? That is, what rationalizations did you need to …show more content…

Human Resources proved invaluable in navigating the collective bargaining with the nurses, and assuring a fair and equitable process for the restructure.
What forum was right for the conversation-off-line or in public?
Public informational forums were held with invitations to all ED staff persons, however, the collective bargaining occurred privately with staff nurses designated by the ONA and the nurses in the ED and management.
What communication style do you prefer: What style best suited this situation?
Consistent, open, honest, and transparent communication is invariably preferred, and would have best suited this situation, however, given the collective bargaining agreement requirements, this proved an impossibility. Furthermore, the rules governing the negotiation process and that planning occurred without the nurse’s knowledge indicated deception in their judgement. An already frustrated nursing staff became angry at what they perceived as a personal affront and severe injustice. Although the nurses’ could grasp the staffing insufficiencies, the severe changes required to remedy the unsafe staffing conditions evoked serious emotions and injured the trust between management and the nursing staff. Nevertheless, the medical center was obligated to follow the procedures dictated by the

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