
Health Care Poverty

Decent Essays

There are many different types of poverty, some much more intense that others. It just depends on how you look at it. Each stage of poverty affects the life of those involved in it and those who are around it. Looking at school systems you can see that the ones who are most bullied are the ones who do not have the nicest things, or who are behind on the latest new gadget. So many people judge others on what they have and how they dress; they don’t look at the person for who they are inside. This is a shame, but poverty puts a big whole in the ability for others to get along. According to Conley many kids living in a poverty situation fall behind in the educational aspect of their life. This is because their parents are not able to purchase the educational toys they need to help their cognitive skills grow. Between this and the lack of nutrition this is where the children start to really show their exposure to a poverty life. It is important to have proper nutrition and to develop the cognitive skills early in life so the child has everything they need to succeed well in life. …show more content…

Some of these difference are if you are married, how much money you make, your class, if you have children and more. Health care really discriminates in my opinion. There is so much that a health care provider has to take in to account that it can be overwhelming. Many for profit insurance agencies base insurance off of the risk the individual has for getting sick. This has a lot to do with the fact that they want to make money off of the person and not pay out if the person were to get very sick. This makes it hard for those who already have health problems and need to get some health

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