
Health Care Services and Illegal Immigrants

Decent Essays

Imagine you have an illness that causes your kidneys to malfunction, and that requires you to be attached to a machine that then does the job for your kidneys. As your blood flows from your body and into a machine to be filtered of toxins and returned, you wonder for the next three hours about how you will be able to get this procedure called dialysis two more this week in order to live. This is an example of what illegal immigrants with renal failure endure. On average, patients receiving dialysis are given a life expectancy of three to five years unless an organ transplant is received (**). Providing health care is a public good, a human right to receive care, not just a right to the insured or based ones citizenship status. The ethical dilemma that is presented leads to the following question: Should an immigrant requiring regular dialysis be denied care due to their undocumented status?
The ethical dilemma presented
As the hospital administrator, there is a growing concern with the increased that illegal immigrants in need of dialysis often frequent our emergency room. This places a great burden of ethicality on our facility. The ethical dilemma presented is has been to deport based on the patients documented status or continue to treat.

Reimbursement is often denied when the patient is an illegal immigrant. This leaves the hospital to absorb the funds expended on providing the dialysis treatments. Hospitals are in a quandary about how to approach

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