
Health Of The Medi Using The Models Of Health

Better Essays

Health in the Media: Using the Models of Health to Assess Media Articles about Health Topics

Catherine Stratton
HST209: Introduction to Health, University College, University of Toronto

Table of Contents
Works Cited……………………………………………………….8

The effect of having constant access to media is that consumers are overwhelmed with information, which come from sources of varying credibility. When consumers are inundated by omnipresent information, they are less likely to challenge the information that is presented. This is a particular importance when health is the topic addressed in the media, since health concerns well-being and life itself. This paper explores the seriousness of health matters being addressed in the media. Two print media articles are examined: Toronto Life’s, “Memoir: my life revolves around trying to get inside my autistic daughter’s head” (Jalfen, 2015, p.1) and The Globe and Mail’s “Rewired: Learning to tame a noisy brain. (Or, how you can use the power of neuroplasticity)” (MacWhirter, 2015, p.1). Both discuss, to differing extents, the health issue of autism. The models of writing which the authors use and the authors’ suggestions for maintaining good health are described. This forms the for this paper’s critical argument is made: the biomedical model is the safest way to inform readers of health

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