Chronic disease is one of the leading causes of death. People get a chronic disease because of tobacco use, poor diet, lack of physical activities and host among others things. The question is why we are not taking on the initiative on improving the quality of life by at eliminating the things that causes chronic diseases. Lately, there have been numerous of debates on whether prevention or treatment saves money. Some have argued that the prevention cannot save money, but rather increases the cost of treatment; however, an article written by (Goetzel, 2009) address these issues and then present a supportable claimed that prevention of disease or injuries does save money and improves quality life by engaging in a healthy lifestyle. He suggested that prevention can save money through health promotion, disease prevention and prevention. In this light, I will be reflecting on this article and then adding to why prevention saves us money and improve life. First, to better understand health promotion and disease prevention, we need to understand what health is. There are many definitions of “Health” out there, but according to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health organization). The word health alone means different things to different people, it is not questionable that health is to be free from disease or illness, it is however questionable when you
The appropriate approach for this health promotion is through an educational approach. With this type of approach, it provides knowledge as well as helps the people to gain or developed necessary skills to guide them in making an informed decision about their health behaviour (Lucas & Lloyds, 2005). This approach does not set out to persuade or motivate change in a person’s decision-making process; the promoters are simply acting as a guide in educating the people about the disease
Health promotion summary. Holbrook, Arizona is a rural community of 5,000 in Arizona that borders the Navajo Nation. Although the population is 38% Navajo, the local school district is Title I (indicating high poverty levels), with a student demographic of roughly 64% Navajo (HUSD3, 2014). Significant disadvantage and unique cultural environments generate a sample population unlike previous public health initiatives concerning tobacco; thus, a multi-leveled approach is appropriate to address tobacco use in the community setting (Hawkins et al., 2008). The aim of this promotion, Cutting the Slack, is to use the community as a facilitator to forge a sustainable program that fosters a protracted tobacco-free community youth environment. Use of local health professionals to train identified leaders among teens and adolescents as change agents promotes community buy-in (Latkin & Knowlton, 2015). Peer advocates have the ability to increase self-agency by promoting personal achievements
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health promotion as “The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.”
Equality in everything, including health issues, has to be the main feature of the modern world. National health programs of the US operate to ensure adequate and timely treatment of all citizens. Nevertheless, health indicators of some racial and ethnic groups are significantly worse than of the white Americans. It applies to the Hispanic Americans and significantly affects their lives. The current health status of this minority is far from satisfactory and needs improvements through existing programs and the development of new approaches to address
Definition of Health Promotion is increasing awareness, indentifying alternatives and influencing attitudes of the people, so that they can make an informed decision and change their behaviors to achieve an optimal level of mental, physical and social health. Health promotion is also defined as the process of empowering people to improve and take control of their health to optimize the quality of their lives. Ennis et al (2006) has explained health promotion as emotional, cognitive and behavioral endeavor to promote well being and health of the people. Davis (1995) expresses a deeper perspective in which preventive health science, social environment,
The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified that health promotion was a way of equipping people to have more power enabling them to make choices in regard to improving their well-being (WHO 1986). Ewles and Simnett (2003) determine from this, that the fundamental elements of health promotion
Chronic diseases are a tremendous burden on the health care system. The best way to reduce this
The next interview was of an Asian American family. This is a military family, the father meet, married and brought back to the United States a 23 year old Vietnamese woman. Family is vital to this Asian American family and respect is expected. Over the years, the mother has adapted to some western ways but maintains certain culture values and passed them on to her children. Diet plays a huge part in their health maintenance and protection. The diet manly consists of rice, vegetables and fish. Along with diet, exercise and staying fit is a big part of their ethnic background. The mother stated to me “Don’t you see all the Asian ladies at the gym? We take pride in staying fit.” To them their body is a temple and needs to be cared for. Spirituality of mind body and soul is another significant part of their health. Partaking in meditation, massage therapy and acupuncture are ways to rid the body of imbalance and place it back in balance to fight illness and diseases. Illness may be attributed to organic or physical problems an imbalance of yin and yang, an obstruction of chi (life energy), a failure to be in harmony with nature, punishment for immoral behavior (in this or past lives), or a curse placed by an offended spirit ("Vietnamese Cultural Profile — EthnoMed," n.d.). While this family is westernized in some ways, by going to the doctor and
The World health Organisation says Health promotion is a method using an assortment of social and environmental interventions to support individuals in managing and improving their own health. (WHO, 2016).
Health promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (, 2016)
Health Promotion is a fundamental practise in ensuring optimum population health. In this essay I will be discussing the ‘settings’ based approach (SBA) of Health Promotion (HP) as a process for achieving sustainable improvements in health outcomes. I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach in relation to key movements which demonstrate the method in action.
Current attitudes towards health promotion in young people are significantly understood by the importance of the determinates of health such as income, level of education, cultural beliefs, geographic location and employment. For an effective long term outcome on health promotion it involves several approaches to bring about this change. This includes lifestyle and behavioural approaches, public health approaches and preventative medical approaches.
Health promotion aims a wide range of targets at different levels in the community. The huge benefits resulted from health promotion and disease prevention efforts make many realize that this domain of health care is worth to be invested in. The focus is shifted evermore from the medical to the preventative approach, from treating the disease to avoiding the onset of it.
“The major goals of health promotion are to help people of all ages stay healthy, optimize health in cases of chronic disease or disability, and create healthy environments” (Pender et al., 2015). This health promotion project is designed to identify and reduce the risk factors associated with several illnesses and disease processes. This project will focus on changing lifestyle behaviors and providing up to date education for the patient to make the best informed decision regarding her environment, health behaviors, and developing a support system with her primary care physician.
Some of the emerging trends in the health promotion are the shift of the diseases from acute diseases to chronic disease. This has yielded a lot of pressure on health promotion and wellness (Future Trends in Health Promotion, 2015). The health promotion is expected to change focus to strategies that will ensure that health promotion will now be focused on long-term interventions that will enhance behavioural change. People need to be more educated on these diseases. Another eminent trend is the privatization of wellness and health promotion (Future Trends in Health Promotion, 2015). Many private entities are now engaging in health promotion, and this has caused a revolution in the health promotion.