
Healthy Diets In America

Decent Essays

As Americans we are constantly surrounded by high fat, sugar filled foods, that have little to no nutrients. We eat junk, and we get sick, then we do not understand how this could ever possibly happen to us. America is plagued with chronic diseases, including; heart failure, depression, diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer. We are prescribed drugs to mask these symptoms, rather than dealing with the real issue; our diets. Thousands of years ago Hippocrates stated“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. When will we learn? I think that we need to start with the basics. What is a healthy diet? There are so many diets out there now; Keto, Paleo, Whole 30, etc. All of these are very common, yet not ranked very high nutritionist in America. These diets are all extremely fat and protein dense. Why would we cut out carbs? Carbs are energy, and we need health carbs, such as fruits and veggies, to help us preform properly. …show more content…

These diets do help us to loose wait quickly and provide instant gratification. As Americans, we are extremely fast paced. I think that teaching proper nutrition could help save lives. We could start by teaching this in schools. According to Shawn M. Talbott, PhD, “weight loss is generally 75 percent diet and 25 percent exercise”. If this is the case why do we have American children in physical education for 13 years? Shouldn’t diet be as important as exercise, or even take prescience? I believe so. We should be teaching young adults diets such as the Mediterranean Diet, the Dash Diet, and other plant based diets. We should be teaching them the benefits of eating healthy, and the side effects of eating

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