
Healthy Predator-Prey Relationships

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Organisms within a predator-prey relationship are intertwined in a co-evolutionary battle for survival. Each depends on food, shelter, the environment, and the random chance of evolution in order to maintain balance in the relationship. If chance favors one side too heavily, it throws the species into disequilibrium and can lead to the demise of one or more species. Because of the potential severity of the consequences, it is important to investigate the contributing factors that help maintain a healthy predator-prey dynamic. In order to reach solid conclusions, a well-rounded research approach is required, lest one side of this is disproportionally represented. First, the survival mechanisms of prey will be explored through the example of …show more content…

The prey is trying to escape from death and survive meanwhile the predator is trying to get food in order to survive. Survivability is important in predator prey relationship although it is a learned behavior in terms of relationship with the prey or predator. A recent study found that prey are better at surviving if they are exposed to the predator the naïve ones have never been exposed to the predators so that means they have not developed the instincts to survive yet (Martin, 2014). They tested for 2 different ways to survive, either a chemical signal or a behavioral strategy the naïve ones who were never previously exposed to the predators were not able to respond to the predator when they were first exposed whereas the ones who had been in the wild were able to sense the predators and survive better, similar results were seen in the behavioral response (Martin, 2014). So what this is telling you is that the ability to survive is not an inherent trait they are born with, it is something that they learn. The more that prey are exposed to predators the better they are at surviving and thus they will help maintain the balance. If the prey becomes good at surviving, then it could mean they would become overpopulated which could disrupt the balance of predatory prey relationships. If they do not learn soon enough, then the predators, might eat too …show more content…

Preys have a more difficult role in the predator and prey dynamics as they have to expend energy in foraging for themselves as well as high predation risks. This also adds to the disequilibrium in the predator and prey relationship as prey’s need more expenditure of energy for both foraging and escaping. In a research study done by Luttbeg et al. (1999) looked at behavioral response to predation risk in a predator and prey dynamic model. When the spiders are not around the grasshoppers eat more and grow more. (Luttbeg et al., 1999 However, when predation risk was present this tended to cause reduced feeding activity in order to increase vigilance and predator awareness thus imposing a great life history cause (Luttbeg et al., 1999).). Therefore, predator prey dynamics is highly affected and requires equilibrium in the way the prey chooses to balance its trade offs of foraging and predatory risk. In order to maintain the equilibrium of the predator prey dynamic the prey must find way to maximize food intake and minimize predator

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