
Healthy Relationships and Happiness

Satisfactory Essays

Each person in the world is different from anyone else because of the countless number of factors that shape a person. Despite the distinct differences between each individual, there is one common goal we all share: happiness. Whether we seek happiness through accolades, money, or service to others, the end game is simple. We all want to be happy and spend our lives trying to achieve and maintain a certain level of happiness. One of the biggest factors that affect one’s happiness is his connection to family. The importance of family is paramount to one’s level of happiness. Does this mean that everyone with a family is happier than those without a family? Absolutely not. The only way family can increase one’s level of happiness is by maintaining a healthy relationship. If someone has a good relationship with their family, they are going to be a physically healthier individual. Before the connection of family and happiness can be addressed, “family” must be understood for what it is. Everyone has two types of family, and given family and a chosen family. Simply put, one does not choose who their parents are, but they do choose the family they build in adulthood. Each of us is born into a unique situation that we have no say over, and from there, it is our duty to make sure that the people we surround ourselves with are the people who will create happiness in our lives. Given families are out of one’s control, as genetics “assigns” us parents, grandparents, and siblings.

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