
Hemophilia Case Study

Decent Essays

. This factor VIII is also associated with hemophilia. It is the factor that is either damaged or missing12. Factor Vlll can be in two states: active and inactive. When it is in its inactive state, it will bind to VWF in the blood. If this factor does not bind VWF while it is in circulation, it will degrade.
After VWF is made, it can follow a number of pathways. It can either be released into the plasma, released into the subendothelium or it can also be stored in organelles in the cytoplasm. If VWF is stored, it can be released when it is needed depending on the physiological status of the individual10. When VWF is exposed to an injury in the blood vessel in the endothelium, the platelet receptors will be activated. This activation, will …show more content…

It will activate prothrombin by cleaving it in two specific spaces. It will cleave at an Arginine-threonine bond and at an Arginine- Isoleucine bond. Cleavages at these two bonds, will cause prothrombin to become activated. There are also other factors that are used in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. These factors are thromboplastin, calcium and vitamin K. This is crucial because thrombin assists in the production of fibrin. Fibrin will come together to form the foundation of a thrombus. During this step, there will also be an inflammatory response involving white blood cells. Numerous white blood cells will congregate at the site of the wound or injury; this will prevent …show more content…

One of the main fibrinolysis enzymes is plasmin, this is an enzyme that comes from plasminogen, the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin will incorporate 2 serine proteases. These serine proteases are tPA and uPA. The enzyme tPA, is made and released from the endothelial cells, while uPA is made by monocytes and macrophages. Two enzymes also differ in the fact that uPA has a lower affinity for plasminogen compared to tPA. This process will stop and inhibit the buildup of fibrin, it also allows the thrombus to be removed. The activation of plasminogen will form plasmin and this will degrade the thrombus. Plasmin will terminate the clotting process. During this process, fibrin degradation products (FDPs) will begin to form. These FDPs will include fibrinopeptide B and other fibrin degradation dimers. These products will be released and will degrade the fibrin18. This process will remove the

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