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Introduction to Hemophilia

Hemophilia is term coined by Johann Schönlein is derived for Greek and Latin words that refer to one who loves to bleed or hemorrhage (Carson-DeWitt, 2014). Hemophilia is a disorder in the body's mechanism of clotting. In simpler terms, people afflicted with hemophilia have a risk of bleeding out from minor injuries.

Types of Hemophilia

There are three types of hemophilia (hemophilia A, hemophilia B, hemophilia C). Hemophilia A is more common and it is caused by a deficiency of factor VIII (Carson-DeWitt, 2014). This deficiency can vary in severity. This is why each case of Hemophilia varies in each case. Most people have severe Hemophilia which means that the factor is functioning at a hundredth of what it should be. …show more content…

Hemophilia like many diseases doesn't have a cure at the moment. There are treatment plans available. A doctor will prescribe transfusions usually. Factor replacement therapy injects the missing factor into the system which immediately provides the missing blood clotting factor the afflicted person is missing. These transfusions can be made from human blood or blood from an animal. When the transfusion is from a human, the proteins extracted for the transfusion are sterilized to prevent any blood related diseases. When the transfusion is taken from an animal, the factor desired to be produced is injected into the animal, so it can then produce large amounts of it. After that, the factor is extracted and it is then stabilized so it can be used in humans. The reason why a doctor must be seen for hemophiliacs to be treated is that, hemophilia varies in severity from case to case. This is because every person produces a different amount of the blood clotting factor. One hemophiliac may produce 15% of what a normal person produces while another hemophiliac may produce only 1% of what a normal person produces (HoG) . The amount and regularity of transfusions depend on severity of

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