
Henry David Thoreau And Chris Mccandless : One's View Of Nature

Decent Essays

Everyone has their own set of views of the world. However, there are times where these are not individual views; instead, they are imposed upon people, and they are forced to accept them. Opinions like these are against the transcendentalist point of view. Noticing the importance of finding one's own views, transcendentalist explore individuality despite it possibly being in the minority. There have been many famous transcendentalist writers, such as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who have written many essays, and books about their views and opinions. Being inspired by these people, others wish to live a transcendentalist life as well, such as Chris McCandless, who is someone that goes to the wild to find his view of the world. While Chris is a real person, he is also re-imagined as a character in the movie Into the Wild. After graduating college, Chris runs away from everything he has ever known, to live in the wild. His journey in the wild relates to a quote by Thoreau in his book Walden, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die; discover that I had not lived”( Walden 1). This quote is a message of living life to the fullest, and that life is a gift that should not bring regret. Furthermore, it is about learning what life has to offer from nature. As his voyage commences, this message is in the mind of Chris as he unveils

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