
Heroism In Sandra Evans's 'This Is Not A Werewolf Story'

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The very being of heroism itself could go on and on in concept, except, when contemplated on heroism is really based off the views of the people, by the virtue of the society who unconsciously decided that you are a hero, and who has been inspired by these ‘heros’ to be better in themselves. With this subconsciously implicated into their minds, what is actually really true about a hero? This can only be answered through the hero’s own virtues, a precedent being the quote “Each person is different,” these four simple words are important because they prove how each hero is different, making how a hero is a hero different making how they affect each person differently, whether the hero is real or not. Exemplifying how heroism is measured by who …show more content…

Accompanied by the fundamental perception of difference between fictional and nonfictional heroes is their realities, what other people believe in and relate to that affects how others to perceive them as real heroes, this being rooted by the hero's’ accomplishments. According to the novel ‘This is Not a Werewolf Story’ by Sandra Evans, a story that is fictional and also has real life elements in it, the main character, Raul is a ‘mute’ kid who goes to the boarding school One of Our Kind, but during the weekend when, everyone has left the school he would go to the White Deer Forest to the lighthouse, where he then takes off his ‘human skin’ (his clothes) and turns into a wolf to be with his mother, these are a part of the main fictional elements. Equally important, the nonfiction elements, can be found in the environment outside the forest in One of Our Kind, where you get to experience in first person, how Raul lives with being bullied, betrayed, and love, all things a lot of people deal with everyday under, supernatural circumstances. Raul’s story represents heroism in a way that is in a way both regular and irregular in the way that he had defeated the villain and saved other white ones that the villain, Mr. Tuffman was hunting, in Raul’s own way he really did save many. Raul is a hero with abnormal abilities and he has to also overcome normal problems like everyday people, which can qualify him to be someone else’s hero for what he has done in his story could be inspirational to someone else. When finding heroism both fictional and nonfictional present attributes that both compliment each other and convey how heroism is found in reality and

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