
High Scale Employment Jumps Are The Ones That Can Make A Living Off Of?

Better Essays

To be an adjunct professor means several troubling things, one being that most part-time educators are not paid a wage in which they can make a living off of (Fruscione 3). According to a survey by Pacific Standard the national average salary a part time professor receives annually is $20,000 (McKenna 2). Troubling statistics reported by the American Association of University Professors claims that from the mid 1970’s to 2011, hiring of part-time staff rose by 286 percent; of full-time non staff professionals rose by 369 percent (Fruscione 3). Now that there is a greater reliance on non-tenured professors, data from Brave New Films informs us that between the years 1970 to 2008 salary decreased by 49 percent for part-time faculty and …show more content…

Judy Olson an adjunct educator at California State University, Los Angeles acknowledges that her financial concerns indeed interferes with her time for lesson planning (McKenna 4). Olson also stated that others similarly weren’t able to continue with their independent research even if they knew it would benefit class discussions (McKenna 4). A study conducted by Adrianna Kezer and Daniel Maxey, found that institutions with the highest employment of adjuncts actually have lower graduation rates (3). This is an alarming study as half of all professors in the country are part-time which then heavily affects the quality of education students are receiving as professor’s struggle with devoting their time to the course (McKenna 2).
Universities do not provide adjuncts readily available offices, making it difficult for office hours to be held (Segran 3). To make matters worse, professors teach at several other colleges and openly admit they cannot help individuals outside the classroom when they are in need of the extra help (Segran 3). These professors simply lack the resources to devote their time to any student as they commute – sometimes at great distances – between multiple institutions (Segran 3). Judy Olson stated, “In the past she’s had to meet with students by the trunk of her car where she kept all her books and papers as she commuted between different college campuses” (Segran 4). Without having set office hours and meeting spaces, it

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