
High School Admission Essay Sample

Decent Essays

The first theatrical production I was ever involved in as a tech crew member, happened by pure accident. At the end of the school day, a group of friends whisked me away to their drama club meeting, and at the end of the week I was the only member of that group that remained. That accident was the genesis of a brand new passion. From starting off as an average stage hand to becoming a full-fledged member of the high-school tech program, I was hooked for life.
Since starting in the field of technical theatre, it seems like it’s been show after show. A grand total of fourteen shows in two years, being involved in almost every technical aspect of each show, has solidified my career decision. No matter how stressful the shows have become, whether it was being the head costume designer for over 30 students in my second ever show, or creating fully functional weaponized props out of foam for an entirely improved performance, nothing in life could be …show more content…

By combining my love of art with a long love of creating my own imaginary dimensional scenes whilst reading, the creativity was unleashed in full. These abilities guaranteed positions of leadership within many theatrical productions. Tales of Terror from the tragic Valley 2014 was an annual Halloween show put on by my high school. This was the first show where a leading production role was given: stage manager, and scenic painter. While managing the show was something I was completely prepared for, the scenic painting came as a bit of a surprise. I was told to paint a 10ft tall by 6ft wide group of flats with a doorway cut out into an entryway for the shows haunted house. That in and of itself wasn’t difficult, the time frame however, was. I was given two hours the very night of the show to paint an entire entrance of my own creation. Miraculously, even with two helpers that had no prior theatre experience, a gigantic demonic face was

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