
High School Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

High school is a place normally portrayed in movies as either a hard, or easy place to survive. I went to high school in a small school outside of Salina Kansas, it was a fairly easy school but there were some tricks to getting by in high school. The first tip is something that is said a million times the first day of school and is something I found to be very, Im sure we have all heard the phrase “get your homework done and turned in on time and this class will be a lot easier.” I must admit as the usual student does i ignored this tip because it was such a basic thing to hear from a teacher. This tip is very true and is not to be ignored, it may seem difficult when you're doing the assignment you would rather procrastinate on but you always will recieve a better grade if you get it done before the last minute. To make your life throughout high school easier surround yourself with the friends that you know you can trust, in high school there are a lot of people that want to see you fail and you need to put them off to the side and focus on the people that want to see you succeed in life. Also make sure to take down notes on what assignment you have and when they are due, also be sure to check those notes to make sure that you are getting …show more content…

Time management inside and outside of school is a big part of passing your classes, even if you use your in school time wisely and using your outside school time freely does not mean that you will pass just because you are focused in school. Some examples of managing your time outside of school that may affect your school grades includes hanging out with your friends instead of getting homework done, time management also includes making sure that you leave at a decent time so that you can arrive to school and to classes on

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