
High School Staff Turnover Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

SUMMARY The Union High School district was having extremely high staff turnover. This was more prominent with regards to new teachers. The resources for the district were declining throughout. Teacher absences were at a 20% increase from the past three years. Overall, the school district was receiving an increase in complaints from faculty and support staff dealing with many issues. District leaders knew that they needed to take appropriate steps to solve this issue.
ACTION PLAN Creating an action plan to address the situation for Union High School Distract would require that many things happen. First, the district would need to create a knowledgeable committee of various stakeholders within the district that would address and discuss the many reasons for the situation at hand. Next, the stakeholder committee would create a survey asking for feedback from teachers and support staff. This survey would give the teachers and support staff validation for their opinions and feelings regarding their district. Then, the results of the survey would be discussed with the survey committee. The survey committee members would see the overall mindset of the district employees that participated in the survey. The district would then discuss how to prioritize the issues discovered by the survey. Finally, the results of the survey would be shared district-wide with all faculty and support staff. The steps to solve the issues would be explained to all faculty and support staff. …show more content…

• Teachers and support staff would be allowed to make changes that make the new mandates work smoothly within their own arena within the

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