
High School Student

Decent Essays

Becoming successful high school students takes a profuse amount of time and effort to achieve. Going to college and receiving high paying scholarships can help in aiding students so that they can acquire a good job. Many of the rewards of students becoming ahead in high school include receiving admittance and getting ahead in college. Students can also have the opportunity to receive high paying scholarships. Also, when students become ahead in college, that means that they will potentially have an opportunity to graduate early from college. If the students go to college after high school, they will most likely have better job opportunities than students who choose to remain not so successful in high school. With so many advantages of becoming successful in high school, students often face many hardships along the way. One of the main factors that students encounter when trying to prevail in high school is isolation. Students often experience isolation when trying to succeed in high school because of the work it takes to commit to becoming successful. In order for the students to be able to reach their goals, they must spend more time studying and making sure they complete all of their homework. The students must have goals in their life to become successful. Students must have goals because when attempting to become a successful high school student, they will potentially have to sacrifice popularity, sports, and extra activities. Students may have to sacrifice popularity

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