Becoming successful high school students takes a profuse amount of time and effort to achieve. Going to college and receiving high paying scholarships can help in aiding students so that they can acquire a good job. Many of the rewards of students becoming ahead in high school include receiving admittance and getting ahead in college. Students can also have the opportunity to receive high paying scholarships. Also, when students become ahead in college, that means that they will potentially have an opportunity to graduate early from college. If the students go to college after high school, they will most likely have better job opportunities than students who choose to remain not so successful in high school. With so many advantages of becoming successful in high school, students often face many hardships along the way. One of the main factors that students encounter when trying to prevail in high school is isolation. Students often experience isolation when trying to succeed in high school because of the work it takes to commit to becoming successful. In order for the students to be able to reach their goals, they must spend more time studying and making sure they complete all of their homework. The students must have goals in their life to become successful. Students must have goals because when attempting to become a successful high school student, they will potentially have to sacrifice popularity, sports, and extra activities. Students may have to sacrifice popularity
Also, you could find out what you really wanna do with your life. Going to college after high school you will know what career you want you want pursue. Unlike not going to college and your confused unless you want to go to the military or you want to work at target for the rest of your life. Then hopefully going to college will make you more responsible about your classes and grades so you can be in the job you want. Going to college will also make you more focused as a person because you will want to get a right start on your
It makes students more mature which will help students be more responsible, as well as an independent adult. College can be very fun but it is also a major accomplishment in life if student put their best in their work. College can influence other student’s family, even their children. High education parents can also use their social capital to promote their children’s development. College will provide a better job with higher earnings, more job opportunities, greater benefits, and job satisfaction. College degree can increase your earning, you’re more likely to earn more money throughout your career than if only have a high school diploma.
Dr. Seuss once said “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more thing that you learn, the more places you will go”. This quote was meant to emphasize that the more people learn, the more they will get out of it of life. After high school, students will either go to college or get a job that does not require much of a college degree and work like that for the rest of their life. While some people believe that college is not worth the cost, it can be argued that college is actually worth its cost because of better jobs and the income and college prepares the individual for life because of the challenges college brings.
Many people believe that a college education is a worthy investment. The ability to become a college graduate will result in making more money. There are more jobs in today’s society that require college degrees. College graduates develop more and better employment opportunities within earning a degree. Self-discipline is a major element in becoming a successful graduate. Also, college graduates are healthier and live longer. Adults-young and old, male and female-who have a bachelor’s degree or higher have twice the annual median income than someone with only a high school degree ("Do college graduates," 2014).
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” recited Eleanor Roosevelt. Why is it that some high schoolers want to graduate early? Are there any benefits to the advancement position at which some high schoolers would like to achieve by graduating early? The answer to that question is yes! There are so many great opportunities for those students who want to progress with life quicker and hopefully more accomplished. Early graduation can offer high school students and families a more stable and helpful financial environment. By applying such help and guidance to one 's life, it can enable a student to secure a well put together future for oneself and have a higher chance of success. Another benefit of early
Many jobs that one would get right out of high school are usually labor intensive or just not ideal conditions. These jobs include being the grunt worker for a construction company, working on a farm, or being a janitor. These job might not be terrible, but someone who does these would eventually become tired of their working environment. Having a college degree will typically end in having a more enjoyable job. Jobs like teaching, nursing, engineering, and accounting are all professions that require some sort of college degree and are considered nicer jobs with a better work environment. College will help students get a better job, but it will also make that student more prepared for adult
Early mornings, homework, tests, and grades can be exhausting and stressful, and makes school less enjoyable for a countless number of people. Completing high school is important. Instead of earning a high school diploma some people will get their GED. Earning a high school diploma is better than getting a GED because a diploma increases opportunities for employment, college acceptance, and deeper knowledge. Earning a high school diploma increases opportunities for employment.
High school encourages students to stay on task and focus on their future. However, there are some students who simply just don’t care about their education and therefore aren’t prepared for college (Leonhardt). College isn't meant for everyone, but there are always substitutes such as community college. Students are able to take their time and “will have the opportunity to explore interests that [they] might not have otherwise pursued” (“The Pros and Cons Of Community Colleges”). High school graduates are able to get back on track and start thinking about passing their classes instead of slacking off in community college.
Success is what every young child dreams to achieve someday. When I graduated from high school in May. I did not realize the satisfaction I felt for completing an important milestone in my life. Unlike high school, college will give me financial and social gains in my
One piece of advice that I would give to an incoming high school freshman would be that you should not worry about what other people think about you. You do not need to impress anyone and you most certainly do not need to try and change yourself for that person. There will be people in your life who try and make you do things that you normally would not do and maybe are not comfortable with. Do not let someone change you. If that person does not like that you do not do something that they do, or act how they act, chances are you probably should not be hanging around with them.
Young people continue to work hard to get good grades in high school in order for them to get accepted and enter a college. Getting good grades throughout high school is not the only thing to be worried about; they must also begin to think about the ways of coming up with money to afford their education. Education is the building block to all success stories. Setting goals and high expectations can be achieved through pursuing an educational path.
There is one simple answer to what being successful in school truly means to me. To be successful, I would have to gain as much knowledge and skills that I can to be able to utilize it in my future endeavors. I want to be able to show my brains in a non-letter form. If I was to barely pass all of my classes but have obtained all of the intellect necessary, I would feel extremely proud of the four years spent in secondary education. No employer looks at the exact letter grades you held. They look for skill, determination, and brilliance. College is nothing like high school for the reason that in high school you can memorize numbers, phrases, or the answers, quickly take the test while
Beginning at an early age, children who are encouraged academically by their parents, educators, and coaches will grow up with the realization that a thorough education will provide for them—financially and professionally—in the future. One of the first things that we are taught is that if we graduate with a degree from college, then we will have a better job and more opportunities in the future. There are many instances where this rings true. According to Brookings Institution publication “an individual with a college degree is nearly nine times more likely to make over $100,000 than someone with only a high school diploma and 13 times more likely to make more
There are many students that have the ability to stay very focused on their educational goals. These students tend to do very well academically and do not need a lot of stimuli to help them get moving. There are other students who are not in the same boat. Some students become very frustrated with the day-to-day routine of going to school. These students tend to benefit from having the option of working outside of school. They begin to see that working hard does pay off. The feeling of satisfaction they receive may motivate them to work harder at succeeding in school. They will understand that though it is a lot of hard work, the more effort they put into their education, the better off they will be. They will get higher paying jobs that suit their character if they continue to work hard through high school and go to college.
Upon entering high school, I made a goal to myself: I wanted to become a better version of myself, realizing my own strengths and weaknesses and, ultimately, preparing to be a part of a completely different atmosphere beyond high school and even college. From the beginning, I knew I was going to find a way to improve academically, as a member of Kingsway’s STEM Academy and Superintendent’s List throughout my high school career. However, I would never think that I, as an eighth grader, would ultimately rise above my classmates, eventually being third in my class freshman year and still enjoying the rigor of taking as many AP and Honors classes as I possibly could fit in my schedule. By being recognized and awarded for my achievements, I finally realized that being this type of student, one that strives to do the best and remains self-motivated no matter what difficulties are faced, gives me a purpose as student and overall enjoyment.