Although women are still facing unequal rights, feminism has affected society in a positive way. Women are now able to vote, they have freedom of speech, any women can get into college or a university, women are allowed to own property, etc. A perfect example would be Hillary Clinton who run for president in 2016. Hillary Clinton a woman who has been fighting for children in the past years. A woman who is not afraid to let her voice out. Hillary was the woman who stood against a man. Sadly, she lost the elections but people wonder what change could she had brought. Would women have had more equal rights? That’s a question which we probably won’t never know the answer. But one of the most active feminist who has fight for equal rights and wants
Economically and socially the movement gained women more rights and privileges. The Women's Rights Movement granted women more political rights like property rights. It changed how both genders saw one another and themselves. But did it really give women and men equality? Did it really make everything better?
“Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are humans rights. Let us not forget that among those rights are the right to speak freely - and the right to be heard,” Hillary Clinton once spoke. Hillary Clinton was appointed to speak at the Women Plenary Session at the 4th United Nations World Conference in 1995. In her speech, Clinton speaks to shine a light on the unfair treatment and to educate on what rights women should have, as well as to strengthen families and societies by empowering women to take control of their own destinies. This powerful message is directed to the audience of various world leaders at the United Nations 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session in Beijing, China. In her speech, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights,” Hillary Clinton uses emotion to educate, persuade, and make the audience of world leaders feel something, known as pathos. She also repeats words and phrases to put an emphasis on certain injustices, which evokes the audience to want to make a change for women’s rights, making the speech effective.
The Women’s Movement was not just about women, but society as a whole. As a result, there have been a lot of changes to society as a whole. Women and society were impacted by social roles, the media, and the right of women choice. For starters social roles were impacted. Women were now becoming professional tennis players, as well as the battle of the sexes spilled over into homes. As a result, divorce rates increased, and the structure of marriages were changing. Men now had to learn to compromise if they wanted their marriages to last, this included roles both inside and outside of the home. Some women even wrote marriage agreements. Also, men were now able to explore different roles within society.
Women's rights have evolved since the 1900s. Women have fought throughout the years and made many protests to help their cause. Some men and women tried to help women get the rights that they deserve. All the fighting they did helped at the end because they passed the 19th the amendment which helped them get more equality. Now in the 21st century women have more rights than ever before.
Despite the years of oppression, women have overcome sexism and have made a difference. Since the late 18th century, around The French Revolution, women have been fighting for equality, freedom, and rights. These women became known as feminist. Feminists have been fighting for years, and to this day, for equal rights, and they have won many battles. Here are some examples in recent history of how women succeeded: from 1916-1920, women started Women’s suffrage. The 19th Amendment passed allowing women the rights
Many of Hillary Clinton’s campaign advertisements bash her opponent, Donald Trump, arguing that he is not the President that parents will want for their daughters. However, neither is Hillary Clinton. While on the surface it looks incredible for women’s rights that a woman is running for the Presidency, Hillary Clinton is the wrong woman. She claims in many of her speeches that she will be a positive role model for young girls, proof that girls can do anything that they set their mind to. However support of Hillary Clinton, simply because she is breaking the tradition of a male candidate, is spreading the message to young women that voting for her because of her gender is more important
This point is relevant because “ Before the civil war women were expected to stay home and take care of domestic duties”. But during the nineteenth century this idea couldn't be pursued due to the inability to afford staying at home”. So it became a necessity that women also worked. “ Public education for women had a slow development but as it came along private institutions taught women”. Women taught themselves how to read and write because they usually had to stay at home and cook.Women attended clubs and that’s where they learned how to read. women tried to apply for jobs to support their families, But many of them were turned down because they did not have the education needed for the job. One job that became popular for women was teaching, Due to this demand women needed to be well educated so that they could be able to teach the future generation’s. “Throughout the many efforts towards achieving equal rights with men, Women had trouble being taken seriously since they have always been viewed as weaker and less intelligent to men”. Based on scientific research studies have shown “ Once women started demanding equal rights, Their IQ scores which had lagged slightly behind men’s for decades not only caught up with men’s, They surpassed them”. One point is that “ In society at large, The women’s rights movement has brought about measurable changes, Too. In 1972, 62% of men and women said they would not vote for a woman for president”. In this year's election there were a lot of debates on voting for Hillary Clinton just because she’s a women. Also many women were triggered by the horrific message when Donald Trump stated his opinion against women. Most feminist felt that they were being discriminated against because Hillary Clinton lost the debate. In conclusion a lot of things drastically changed such as
Women have realized inferiority and have fought for rights such as voting and abortion. Even today, we still fighting for issues that concern us in a movement called feminism. Women becoming aware of gender norms gives us the strength to be who we are and do what we
Both men and woman in an equal importance society they have each made an impact. Women started off by being treated as only housewives that were meant for just cooking, cleaning, and watching children. They were not viewed as being capable of working or doing anything a man could. Now in days women all around the world are working and proving that they can work just as much as men can. This movement started thanks to Rosie the Riveter who showed that women could excel at a man's job.
Since the mid-1800's, women in the United States and around the world have organized political movements to obtain the same social, economic, and political rights that men have traditionally enjoyed. These feminist movements have sought to change the laws to prevent discrimination against women and to provide them with equal opportunities in all aspects of life, including education, employment, and government representation.
Whereas the women’s suffrage movements focused mainly on overturning legal obstacles to equality, the feminist movements successfully addressed a broad range of other feminist issues. The first dealt primarily with voting rights and the latter dealt with inequalities such as equal pay and reproductive rights. Both movements made vast gains to the social and legal status of women. One reached its goals while the other continues to fight for women’s rights.
Feminists have been active in their role for decades. The first women who were proponents of women's rights, advocates for self-promotion of women's freedoms and leaders of women into the 20th century, I believe would be appalled at where the current "feminists" have taken their cause. In the late 1960's a movement ensued, a movement of great proportions. This ideological stance of women needing to empower themselves against men and their "inherent violence" began a degradation of men's roles in family and society. Men have been silenced as fathers and husbands. In the early 20th century, boys were taught to protect women, open doors for them, help them carry their groceries and never to hit a woman. The feminists would have us
While I am not a female, growing up, my best friend was a girl. In school, I was frequently picked on for spending time with her. When boys would tease her for doing something girly, such as braiding her hair or coloring, I would come to her defense. Because of this, I was made fun of for doing "girly" things. Honestly, I am a massive believer in equal rights for everybody. For me, race, gender, and sexual orientation do not matter. Somebody shouldn't be put down because of differing actions or beliefs (as long as they don't harm others).So feminism improves my life because it helps those I care about and furthers equality for everybody including
In conclusion, women have made a critical improvement to the circumstances in their lives through feminism. Primarily, men used to run everything as they considered themselves superior to women, but through feminism movements, women have been able to acquire equal rights to men, and are still striving to acquire more rights that men take for granted. Feminism is a philosophy that has helped women to acquire equal rights in the society. In addition, feminism is gaining equal opportunities and rights for both men and women, and allowing women to have control of their lives, and the women have achieved this. Feminism had a huge impact on the lives and roles of women in the society. Many women got sick of the strict home life that had been implicated on them by men. They got tired of staying at home and taking care of the family and domestic chores as their only work and decided enough is enough, things had to change. Women wanted equality between men and women in addition to equal opportunities in education, and employment opportunities. Feminism has played a great role on the everyday role of women in the
I believe women are still fighting for rights that they might not have due to those who are still living in the past and being close minded. Although I am not a feminist, I believe women should have many