
Hindu Gods And Demons Research Paper

Decent Essays

Hindu Gods: How Do They Treat Humans and Demons and Do They Really Treat Anyone Fairly?
In this essay, the question that is being asked is what the relationships are between Hindu Gods and demons, as well as Hindu Gods and people. This will bring about more questions about the mistreatment of demons and why they are being treated this way. This essay will not be able to fully answer these questions but it will show how Gods and humans as well as gods and demons interact with one another. Hindu Gods and Demons:
Hindu Gods have a love for many things but they are not perfect. They have mistreated others many times, however the most mistreated beings would have to be the demons. At first glance this seems reasonable Gods don't want demons to bring about chaos. However as one reads on about Hindu myths, one realizes that the demons are tricked by the Gods more often then the Gods are tricked by the demons. The Gods do not seem to be these perfect beings at all and in fact, are rather chaotic …show more content…

They treat both groups manipulatively but in different ways. The Gods manipulate the demons so that they can get rid of the demons, but they manipulate humans simply because they can. The Gods, in this case, truly have god-complexes because they can really do anything and get away with it as long as no other God finds it upsetting. Humans and demons are manipulated because they can be, and they can be manipulated because no other God sees a problem with this treatment. The Gods gain power by manipulating people and demons because if they treated everyone fairly then they would not command the same power that they have now. Gods are cruel and manipulative but can be compassionate and caring if given the right circumstances, however they are never compassionate towards the demons. That's the main difference in how they treat demons versus humans, they will never treat demons

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