
Historical Perspective : What You See Yourself

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Historical perspective summary Key concept # 1 self concept describes how you see yourself. overall perception of your abilities, behaviors, and personality.
Ideal self is the person you dike to be. Not shaped by your desires for yourself but is shaped by other’s perceptions and evaluations and acceptance of you.
If these two match up, youre happy. The greater the difference, may caue anger, depression. Key concept # 2 actual self making progress towards ideal self is self actualization, the basic motivation for all human behavior. Versus maslow, who saw self-actuaization as a need rather than a drive. The praise and love from others of certain behaviors is conditional positive regard. Unconditional positive regard accept and value …show more content…

Before Maslow, psychology was the study of problems and mental illness (NPR), why people were the way they were, and the varioius things that were wrong with the human mind. Skinner- we are manipulated which is all negative verus maslow, who focused on growth, finding meaning and purpose in life (self-actualization) Self actualization is the hghest level of human development (becoming everything you can possibly be). Criteria: free from psychopatholgy, have progressed successfully through the hierarchy of needs, embracing being values (beauty, truth goodness, wholeness), exercise full use of talents and potentials. All humans have potential for self actualization.
60’s his ideas spread past psych, to business w/ heirary of needs and human motivation in management theory.
He left academia to be a consultant in business corporation about observa help people reach potential better or humanize workplace that would be more effective.
Nature versus nurture because humanistic perspective focuses on how personal experiences influence individual perspective and understanding of the self and world.
Carl Rogers
Psychotherapist, wasn’t a medical doctor. University of Wisconsin professor of psychology.
Self theory natural desire to grow. Self come from individual’s experiences of the world
President of APA in *1940’s renamed non directive therapy to client centered therapy then to person centered. This type of therapy conflicted the tradition views of psychotherapy.Paying

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