
Historiographic Metafiction in \

Decent Essays

Historiographic Metafiction in The Wars The writing of history has consistently been under heavy scrutiny, however it is justifiable. When someone reads a book of history they are never getting the honest-to-god truth. This is because along with the writing of history comes bias. Historiographic literature is a style of writing that is found in The Wars, it is a style the critiques or gives somewhat of a commentary on the writing of history. However the historiographic nature of this book is only half of the major concept. This book, The Wars, is also an example of metafiction. Metafiction is a type of writing where the book itself addresses the devices of fiction. A book can be classified as such if it satisfies one of the common …show more content…

When reading The Wars the reader is being told of, essentially, the history of Robert Ross. We are being told his story through his experiences with different people, transcripts of interviews, letters, photos and other sources. And even though those who are being interviewed were the people that were closest to him they still are only to take the events at face value. This is evident when Juliet d'Orsey is talking about Robert when he arrived at the hospital, she said "I finally took the bull between the horns and said that Captain Taffler was just downstairs and why not go and visit him now? That seemed the right thing to say because I could see a funny look pass through his eyes when I said visit" (Findley 198). Here it is shown that she gives commentary on the physical events but as for the funny look there is no mention as to what it could mean. The absence of such a description shows that those who are re-telling the story of Roberts's life didn't know the true identity of their friend as this ‘funny look' could have been a reference to Roberts's sexuality which would be a fundamental aspect of his life that should be included if one was writing a book about his history. But it is not only Roberts history that is being told of in this novel, there are also many historical events that take place during the story and are interwoven with the fictional characters Findley has created. In The Wars there are several instances where there is an

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