
History And Roots Of Candomble

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Introduction Candomblé, which translates as “dance in honor of the gods”, is a syncretic folk mixture religion largely headed and adhered to by women, making it one of the most woman-centered religions of modern time. In this essay I will explore the history and roots of Candomblé, explaining the fusion of different beliefs and traditions that make up this religion. Furthermore, I will explain the multitude of roles within the Candomblé community and the high status enjoyed by women adherents. Finally, I will provide my reflection and insight on Candomblé as a matriarchal religion and it’s ability to uplift and empower women around the world.

History of Candomblé Candomblé is a rich and diverse African-Brazilian religion, originating in Salvador, Bahia. Although not officially beginning until the 19th century, Candomblé’s origins trace back to the early 16th century. The core of Candomblé is compromised of a mixture of several African belief systems including Yoruba, Fon and Bantu, brought over by African slaves throughout the slave trade. (History…) During this time, Portuguese slave owners organized their slaves into “nacoes”, or nations, grouping the slave population by ethnic background which inadvertently enabled slaves to maintain their traditions and continue their religious practices as they would have in their home nation. (Asensio-Sierra, 111) Over time these different African beliefs systems flourished and diversified, forming the religion of Candomblé. In

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