
History Of Conviction Review Units

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• History - how long has this type of department been around Conviction Review Units(CRU), also known as the Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU), Santa Clara, CA established the Innocent Projects in 2004, and it was in existence until 2008. (ref the time line site) Over time, per this time line, there has been 22 Conviction Review Units established in various Counties and States, the most recent showing as San Diego County CA and Clark County Nevada. • why was it made/ What is the purpose/what does it do These units were developed to ensure that the convictions of varied cases were legitimate. The CRU's are designed to check for errors during the Judicial process from the beginning of the investigation (like the Detroit boy) up to the Sentencing …show more content…

There can be misconduct by the interviewing, or investigative agencies. The detective or police officer may feel that a certain person is guilty because of their history, and try and build a case around that. And then there are bad lawyers; lawyers who are over worked and under paid. They don't have the time, or finances to look at the case. Then there are lawyers like (use the Detroit case) that just do not file the necessary paperwork no matter how many red flags there are in the case. Some may even feel that the prosecutors have enough evidence against the person and suggest they plead guilty (which may or may not be false confession. Because of these things, some people who are convicted are not necessarily guilty. That is where the CRU's come into play. How does a case get considered for review? Usually, it just takes an application. LIke on the There is an application to file out and submit to the unit for review. Family, the party convicted, friends or just someone who feels the person is innocent, can submit the

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