The Dark Ages began after the fall of the Roman Empire. Much of Roman knowledge and culture was lost at this period of time, such as, art, history and technology. The time after the Romans is “dark” because there was no central or strong government events recorded and no inventions came out of this era. This a period of time that began in the year 410, the fall of Rome, and ended in 1095 with the launch of the Crusades. “The Dark Ages” was definitely an appropriate term for this era because of all the terrible things and events that took place. The Dark Ages were a period of constant war, terrible plague and religious division. The primary form of battle in the middle ages was fighting by hand on a battle field with weapons of their choice.
A " dark age" is a period when violence and wars plus a lots of disease. Some historians call the period from 500 AD to 1500 AD in Europe a " dark age" because the black death and the crusades. The Magna Carta and the universities. The majority of the evidence will show that it was the dark age.
The “Dark ages” was found by an Italian scholar, Petrarch, in the 1300s. The term Dark Age was used to explain the period (movie talk-dark ages).The Dark Age could be in a growth age or a dark age. This is applied to “dark” and “light”. This can be argued by the evidence of what is going on during 500AD-1500AD. The debate between Europe being in a Dark Age or growth age is based off of how well the evidence supports the statement and this judgment is clearly stated that Europe is NOT in a dark age based on all the supported evidence.
The term “Dark Age” was used to by an Italian Scholar named Petrarch, who compared the “dark” to the classical period before. Medieval Europe was from 500 to 1500 AD, which included the Crusades and the Black Death. Europe, during the time 500 to 1500 AD, was a dark age because there was violence, war, and disease. Europe was in a dark age.
The term “dark ages” which is coined by the Italian Scholar Francesco Petrarch, applies to Medieval Europe during the times between 500 AD and 1500 AD. The term suggests a low-point in society with violence, disease, and war. Medieval Europe included many of these traits. Involving the Crusades, the Black Death, and violence involving religion. For these and the following reason, Medieval Europe was in a dark age.
In the 1300's, an Italian scholar named Petrarch used the term, "dark ages" to describe Europe in the middle ages.People think that Petrarch used this term to describe Europe in the middle ages, because it seemed as if everything was turning/going bad. Not everyone agrees with him, some people think that the middle ages in Europe was in a growth age instead of a dark age. There were good events, like economic growth and education got more significant. But, there were lot's of bad things like, government order and the Black Death, so it is a debatable topic.
The term “dark ages” comes from Petrarch, who was an Italian scholar that lived after the dark ages, and compared it to the classical era. Medieval Europe happened from 500 AD to 1500 AD, also known as the medieval period in Europe. It is called “the dark age” because of the disease, famine, murder, chaos, and death that happened during that time.
The dark ages were a time where chaos ruled everything and no one felt safe. The term dark age came from an Italian Scholar named Petrarch. He called it the dark age because he compared it to the classical period before. In the dark ages many terrifying things happened like the Black Death, the crusades, the viking attacks, and many more. Europe was in a dark age from 500 to 1500 AD.
As the Roman empire fell, a new era unfolded. This era was known as The Middle Ages, also referred to as the Dark Ages. The Middle Ages was the time period between the fall of Rome and the beginning of the Renaissance. Starting in 476 AD and ending in 1500 AD, this time period was long, cruel, and consisted of many different events. The Middle Ages was a dark time because of the Viking raids, bubonic plague, cruel punishments, and a feudalistic society.
Europe was in a dark age during 500 AD to 1500 AD because of the Black Death, The Crusades, and the way the government was being functioned at the time in Europe. The debate is about whether Europe in a dark age or a growth age. Based on the evidence below Europe was in a dark age. The term dark ages came from the Italian scholar named Petrarch. He was comparing the Middle Ages to the classical era.
Was it a Dark Age? The term “dark ages” describes a period during Medieval Europe when inventions and ideas stopped, violence increased, and disease killed many people. The term “dark ages” came from an Italian scholar named Francesco Petrarch. He compared it to the Classical Age that thrived before. The dark ages occurred during Medieval Europe, which lasted from 500 AD to 1500 AD.
The “Dark Ages” means a time of violence, no innovation, lack of educated people, small population and isolated communities, lots of disease, no new building projects, war, lack of trade, chaos and anarchy, famine, and political instability. The person who coined it was Petrarch, a french scholar who compared it to the classical period. The beginning of the dark ages was during 500 AD which lasted until 1500 AD. During this time period the most famous events was the “The Crusades” and “Black Death.” During this period Europe was clearly in a “Dark Age.”
The American Cyclopaedia describes The Dark Ages as a “period of intellectual depression in the history of Europe.” This means that the term The Dark Ages was just another name for the early middle ages in Europe. There wasn’t much evidence about the time available, historians didn’t know much about it and so they say that the period was “in the dark.” Over time, people began using it as a term for all the middle ages. Instead of basing these theories off of their lack of information, historians just assumed that the people and life at the time were “dark” also. Now they have discovered more documents from that time, and so it isn’t seeming as “dark” anymore.
The word dark ages is referred as Barbaric times and Intellectual Depression. The historians called it intellectual depression because they think that the little knowledge and invention and innovations is why very little came from the Middle Ages. Many historians didn't give it much thought before labeling it because it was only in the beginning of the Middle Ages that not much happened. But they grouped it all and came to the depiction of labeling it the "Dark Age". Over time, "Dark Ages" also lost meaning. When historians first had first used the term, it was meant as a time of darkness where nothing came out.
The Dark Ages were the entire period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance; they were in fact the start of universities and scientific foundations. During medieval times, mainly right after the fall of Rome, society had a fairly hard time; trying to figure out what to do, many peasants started to farm. Society prospered from what they could personally grow and harvest, and whatever animals they could use, both for hard work and for food. All of this went relatively well, until the plague, or Black Death, happened in all of Europe, especially England. Millions of people died and those who survived were badly scarred. However, during the time of the plague, the Catholic religion flourished. Thus creating the second bright spot during the Dark Ages. Priests prayed for the well being of both the sick and the healthy, and many people converted to Catholicism as well. Additionally, during the dark ages, education for peasants was hard to come by since it was reserved for royalty, and church hierarchy. However, towards the end of the thirteenth century the Church started offering education for children from common homes as well. Plus, many scientific foundations came in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. In fact some scientists, such as Aristotle, helped find new discoveries, and medicines for disease. As one can see the "dark ages," were not dark, but the start of something bright, that no one during that time would ever forget for years to come.
The Middle Ages is a medieval time period in Western Europe that lasted from 500 to 1500 C.E. The Middle Ages began as a result from the collapse of the Roman Empire which began in 31 BCE, and fell in 476 C.E. In around 300 C.E. the emperor of the Rome divided the land for easier control. This began the decline of Rome. The Western half of Rome fell to Barbarian invaders, while the eastern half lived on as the Byzantine Empire. The Early Middle Ages began shortly after the western half fell. After the Roman Empire lost its position as the center of power, Western Europe fell into a time of chaos and warfare. There were a lot of attacks by Vikings, Magyars (hungarian nomads), and Muslims. The invasions caused disorder, and suffering, and the government system developed into feudalism.The High Middle Ages followed, the Early Middle Ages, and was the time period in Western Europe from around the 11th century to the 13th. The Middle Ages are referred to as the “Dark Ages” because of the disorder, hopelessness of the time. It is accurate to refer to the Middle Ages (500-1500) as a whole as a” the Dark Ages”.The Early Middle Ages meet the qualities of a dark age due to the, lack of government, education, and dysfunctional economy. However, the high middle ages was a time of improvement for these issues.