
Hitler 's The Hiding Place

Decent Essays

During World War II, the world was in panic. The people lived in terror for their family, friends, and themselves. No one was ever truly safe. Not the soldiers, not the citizens, not anyone. Leaders around the globe tried to calm their frightened countries, but as Casper ten Boom in Corrie ten Boom’s The Hiding Place tells us: “It is wrong to give people hope when there is no hope. It is wrong to base faith off of wishes. There will be war.” And was he ever right.

On September 1, 1939, Adolf Hitler and his army of Nazis attacked Poland, marking the first day of six years of war, fear, and suffering. Hitler had long since came to power in Germany. After World War I, Germany was stripped of many things; money, cultural worth, dignity and power. The Germans needed a place to look to for help; they needed a promising future, and Adolf Hitler promised them just that. Blaming the Jewish religion, Hitler began to rise from the masses of Germans. He convinced Germany that the Jews were “untermenschen”, of what roughly translates to in English as “subhuman” or less of a human. So eager for hope of a better way of life, the rest of Germany trusted and gave him the power he needed to carry out multiple acts of destruction.

In 1933, the newly elected Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler opened the first of numerous concentration camps, the Nazi Party boycotted Jewish shops and businesses, burned books that have been deemed “disreputable”, and also, Germany quits the League of

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