
Hoarding And Its Effects On Children

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Hoarding has gained increased attention in recent years due to recent media television shows depicting the circumstances hoarders may live in. It can be difficult to determine when a person crosses from a simple over collecting behavior into a hoarding behavior. “Hoarding is a debilitating disorder characterized by the acquisition of a large volume of possessions that clutter living areas to such a degree that living spaces cannot be used of their intended purpose (Frost, Kim, Steketee, 2011).” Many people who tend to have hoarding behaviors are unaware of the severity of their actions and feel they are living in normal conditions. As Frank et al. (2014) states, “it is general agreed that when a person’s collecting affects his or her environment in such a way that causes danger to him or herself or others, intervention is necessary.” Although there is much research on adults with hoarding behaviors, there is limited research on the effects of hoarding among the elderly population. Hoarding behaviors among elderly adults can be seen as a danger to one’s health over time has it can harm their physical health, safety and overall well-being. “In addition, people who hoard exhibit strong emotional attachments to possessions, and beliefs that reinforce acquiring and keeping items. These beliefs include unrealistic assumptions about the need to remember important information, avoid wasting objects, responsibility for possessions, and anthropomorphizing objects (magical thinking

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