
Holocaust Vs Poland Essay

Decent Essays

Discuss the impact of the Holocaust in ONE country other than Poland - ITALY

The impact caused from the holocaust to Poland can’t be compared to any other countries impact but some historians believe that Italy were one of the most predisposed countries involved with the holocaust. They played it smart, this meaning they made the most with the laws and social practices. Italians worked with the Germans which also worked in favour of the Italians.
Historians have tried to exempt Italians from their role in the holocaust. While Italy did precept racial laws extermination campaign was all a German idea and invention. Historians fail to realise and ignore the impact of the Italian anti-Semitic campaign, which worked to separate and isolate the Jews from Italian society and remove …show more content…

The spoken language of the Italians was Italian but different types of derelicts varied from different parts of Italy. Yiddish or Ladino were the much more popular languages spoken in Europe at that time that many of their Europeans spoke. They started involve themselves with politics, served at high rates in the military, and found some sort of success in every skilled profession desired. However, this was a relatively new position for the Italian Jews. One of the last European countries to eliminate the ghetto was Italy. In many Italian cities, Napoleon had knocked down its walls wanting an end to ghettos but meracuslary they had been restored.

Alexander Stille the author of “Benevolence and Betrayal,”[1] in his writings mentions some high praises of the Jews in Italy saying , “In the course of one generation, Italy had gone from being one of the most backward and repressive nations of Europe to being one of the most tolerant.... In a few decades Italian Jews achieved a level of acceptance without parallel in any other

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