If you drive down any street in America, you are likely to see for sale signs in a few front yards. If you looked a little closer, you might find that many of those homes for sale are in foreclosure or being sold as short sales. It's an epidemic that affects everyone, and we need to find a way out.
If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure or if you are being pressured to put your home up as a short sale - don't start packing just yet. There are other options.
Home loan modification has provided a solution to thousands of Americans already. By helping to make their mortgage payments more affordable, home loan consolidation has allowed people to stay in their homes. The banks have acquired enough financial strain already, and they don't
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Owning that little home on the corner with the white picket fence and big oak tree in the front yard has always been the American dream, but for some unfortunate home owners hit by the recession and housing crisis several years ago, it now seemed more like a nightmare. Imagine, after years of hard work, finally having your very own home only to have it ripped out from under you through foreclosure or short sale. This very scenario happened to countless thousands in towns across the country.
There is by no means a simple solution to solving the home foreclosure epidemic but there are many changes that can be made to help Americans across the globe. The first, I believe starts
If you are unable to make your mortgage payments for whatever reason, you may be facing some undesirable scenarios. Unfortunately, sometimes Foreclosure may be your only option. With the condition of the market and lenders' tightening of their standards, many lenders are refusing to negotiate with homeowners. Strange, but some lenders seem to prefer to proceed to foreclosure rather than working things out with a struggling homeowner. In this case, as hard as it is, you may have to choose foreclosure. You are not alone. Thousands of homeowners are facing this situation right now. It is not the end of the line for you and your credit. You can take control of your life and find another home that will meet your needs. Here's how:
Foreclosure in America has been a rising and prominent problem recently, and has destroyed many Americans hopes and dreams. Over 2.3 million homes were foreclosed in 2008, and an estimated four million homes will be foreclosed by the end of this year. Despite the efforts of many banks and lending companies, over half of homes will foreclose that have received their help. I believe that we have only started in the right direction in solving the foreclosure crisis. Giving money and lowering mortgage rates will help, but I believe we should find out why Americans are in this situation in the first place. We are being too stereotypical when we think the only reason someone is foreclosing is because of irresponsible payments or buying a home
The same way that President Clinton boosted about 67.5% of all American people could become homeowners in 1995, will be the same amount of people that lose their homes potentially putting children out on the street and increasing the unemployed homeless population taking up residence in tent cities, where is the hope now? Now is the time to act and include benefits to all homeowners that still believe in the America Dream. The Government and the Banks need to provide modification programs to all homeowners to reduce their interest rates to 4.75% regardless of equity or loan to values. If these homeowners who are currently 200% loan to value, care enough to strive to make every payment timely but are in loans that are coming due or ready to adjust, the industry owes these homeowners the right to a loan that they can afford and maintain regardless of the economy. Each homeowner in America is surrounded by foreclosed properties or short sales affecting their value and impeding any ability to successfully sell their properties.
The foreclosure crisis that took over the United States a few years ago left many people facing economic hardships. This crisis happened because there was a huge housing bubble that was unsupported by actual home values. The bubble began bursting in spring of 2008 and the crisis culminated in mid-2009. Many lenders went out of business and many home owners began losing their homes. When the government became aware of this problem and began to implement new programs, it was already too late for many homeowners. Those homeowners are not at a point where they might be considering buying a new home. The housing crisis has created new rules, regulations governing the mortgage industry, and has also created a new agency dedicated to consumer protection. This consumer protection agency is called the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. These dramatic changes have helped to create more responsible lending. The improving market conditions such as low housing costs and competitive interest rates are allowing those affected by a foreclosure to become homeowners again. Prospective buyers have a multitude of programs available to them, so even those with less than clean slate have several options.
Too many Americans have fallen victim to the crisis that has become the norm for our citizens these days. Lenders no longer want to work with individuals who have gone through the foreclosure process and for many it is not only their homes they lose. Some have lost their jobs and/or families, others fall into a deep depression and worst of all some have taken their own lives.
Solutions to alleviate the impacts of the foreclosure crisis are absolutely central to the health of our financial systems and the country’s economic stability. The foreclosure crisis is nowhere near an end as mortgages with “teaser rates” are expected to default in catastrophic numbers. The goal of foreclosure solutions must be to keep people in their homes with affordable monthly payments, while still leaving cash in their pockets to contribute to our heavily relied upon consumer based economy. Solutions do not lie in forgiving mortgage loans and billion dollar bank handouts, as this only sets a bad precedent for contract law and regulation standards by condoning financially reckless behavior. We must work with people directly and mortgage modifications must be dealt with on an individual basis.
Brooklyn, NY – December 30, 2009 Foreclosures continue to rise drastically across the United States due to the recession, and have effected, and continue to affect thousands of families and individuals every day. One aspect we must take into consideration is that most people are not informed of what foreclosure means, or the process, even those who are homeowners. I believe that one step to preventing foreclosure is to educate first-time homebuyers. In addition, first-time homebuyer programs should not only assist potential buyers with financially preparing them to buy a home, but to keep the home once
They say student loans are the “Good kind of loans.” When in all reality, any loan is not a good loan. Many students that take out loans to go to college, won't be able to make their student loan payment every month. The total estimated student loan debt in our country is one trillion dollars, the companies that are lending the money are making bank on students taking out loans for college. If this is what people consider to be normal, do you want to be normal? They say paying for knowledge, getting that higher degree, will enable you to get a better wage; so getting a loan now, is a small price to pay. So let’s say you take out a $70,000 loan, and you complete college, you apply for the carrier that you worked for. Your starting salary is $30,000
We've all seen those movies of those lazy individuals we call millennials. These people are often depicted as dependent individuals that are either living with their parents or renting some shady apartment. That's the question has been proposed whether or not are they justified in doing so. It is obviously easy to say that they have a right to do so, but can it be considered rational in the days we live in. Are their benefits from withholding to buying a house. And maybe even this could be the redefining of the new “American Dream.”
Today, I am going to speak about the affordable housing in Pittsburgh .First let me tell about why the affordable housing is preferred. People who live in affordable housing today want safe, decent housing for the same reasons that we all do. The reasons are mainly to provide a nurturing environment to raise their children. Another reason is to remain in the community where they were raised or to become part of a community in which they want to settle. Finally, to live in an attractive, safe environment that they can afford. People who need affordable housing are ones that are employed as secretaries, school teachers, local government employees, restaurant workers and sales clerks. These workers need affordable housing because of the wide gap
Analysis: But sometimes buying a house isn’t the best choice. It’s a long-term commitment that requires the homeowner to have a stable and secure job. If you default on your mortgage, for example being late on your payments or even missing payments the mortgage lender can take your home away. Then the lender can sell your home resulting as a foreclosure. Foreclosure also affects your credit making it harder or almost impossible to purchase a house in the future.
As the cost of education increases, many students search for assistance to help cover that cost. That form of assistance could come from burdensome financial aid or a scholarship that provides the student with an education free from debt. That’s why I am writing you today Mr. Alan Hall on behalf of the Student Scholarship Committee, bellow we have outlined the (1) the benefits to the student, (2) the benefits to you, and (3) how you can take action to help.