Too many Americans have fallen victim to the crisis that has become the norm for our citizens these days. Lenders no longer want to work with individuals who have gone through the foreclosure process and for many it is not only their homes they lose. Some have lost their jobs and/or families, others fall into a deep depression and worst of all some have taken their own lives. An alternative would be for lenders to add a true customer service department which is not based on pay or get out, but is counseling based to keep Americans in the American Dream of home ownership. This would not only keep their customers for future business with new home loans, but would be noticed by neighbors and the community who are appreciative their home values are not decreasing. The lenders would counsel them through the sale by assisting them with getting the most they can for their home. By getting local community organizations involved to help with home repairs and curb appeal. Once the home is market ready and a dollar amount has been reached for these repairs the home owner will have to volunteer time and/or resources to assist another person going through the same situation. This would not only help the homeowner but will keep homes in the area selling at a fair market value and not bring down the values in their neighborhood. The assistance provided by the lenders and assistance from the community will help build their self confidence and make them feel like they are not alone.
The current financial crisis, which had its roots from subprime mortgage crisis, began to increase dramatically in September of 2008. There have been significant economic disorders in United States alone. Major banks and financial organizations around the world are going bankrupt and writing down billion dollars. Housing markets are falling not just in United States but all around the world. This crisis is truly global and it is spreading like fire. Because of these economic crises, the US Congress came up with a $700 billion bailout plan to buy troubled assets from financial institutions who are struggling financially. Nevertheless, another bailout was proposed and it's the homeowner bailout. It is known that the foreclosure
There is no shortage of programs now available in the mortgage industry to help ease the foreclosure crisis. Although some of them provide direct financial assistance to key participants in the foreclosure process to encourage them to find a less costly alternative, there is really no national effort to address one of the most stubborn factors that often leads to foreclosure and in some cases thwarts efforts to avoid it.
Home ownership is the American dream! It is one of the most costly purchases an individual or family can make in their lifetime. Some people save until they have cash to purchase however, many people borrow money from a bank or lending institution; when a person borrows money to purchase a home the loan is called a mortgage. The lender is called the mortgagee and the borrower is called the mortgagor; banks have several different types of mortgages: fixed rate mortgage, adjustable rate mortgage, investment mortgage and much more. Borrowers have to undergo the lender underwriting process to show financial capability of repaying the mortgage (Makarov & Plantin, 2013). In this article I will use a fictitious person named “Julianna,” she is in the process of buying her first home at age 30; I will be her lender and will use mathematical procedures to find out what is her down payment, principle, installment payment, points (closing cost), mortgage maturity value and total interest paid.
There is by no means a simple solution to solving the home foreclosure epidemic but there are many changes that can be made to help Americans across the globe. The first, I believe starts
Foreclosure in America has been a rising and prominent problem recently, and has destroyed many Americans hopes and dreams. Over 2.3 million homes were foreclosed in 2008, and an estimated four million homes will be foreclosed by the end of this year. Despite the efforts of many banks and lending companies, over half of homes will foreclose that have received their help. I believe that we have only started in the right direction in solving the foreclosure crisis. Giving money and lowering mortgage rates will help, but I believe we should find out why Americans are in this situation in the first place. We are being too stereotypical when we think the only reason someone is foreclosing is because of irresponsible payments or buying a home
The foreclosure crisis that took over the United States a few years ago left many people facing economic hardships. This crisis happened because there was a huge housing bubble that was unsupported by actual home values. The bubble began bursting in spring of 2008 and the crisis culminated in mid-2009. Many lenders went out of business and many home owners began losing their homes. When the government became aware of this problem and began to implement new programs, it was already too late for many homeowners. Those homeowners are not at a point where they might be considering buying a new home. The housing crisis has created new rules, regulations governing the mortgage industry, and has also created a new agency dedicated to consumer protection. This consumer protection agency is called the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. These dramatic changes have helped to create more responsible lending. The improving market conditions such as low housing costs and competitive interest rates are allowing those affected by a foreclosure to become homeowners again. Prospective buyers have a multitude of programs available to them, so even those with less than clean slate have several options.
For many years, the idea that ones’ home being the largest investment was said as a complete sentence when in fact, it was only an incomplete sentence. Any duly licensed financial planner would finish that sentence by saying all investments are subject to market conditions, the value that investment could increase or decrease and other similar cautionary statements that their attorneys wrote to protect them. The American public only heard that their home was the largest investment and had never experienced, nor had their parents seen the value of their personal homes drop like they did in the past few years. They had never experienced the financial pain and although only a few years have passed, many have forgotten and are ready to jump right back into homeownership.
Attention, you just lost more than 50% of your home’s value and since you are in default on your payments the bank has decided to foreclose. The housing bubble in the United States despite the warnings of financial experts, led to a series of events that were exposed as a result of the bubble bursting. In the wake of such financial devastation was the onset of various homeowner relief programs designed to prevent a plethora of foreclosures and reduce further damages to the economy. Unfortunately, many fell victim to this collapse and were not afforded the opportunity to delay the foreclosure process or outright denied any of the available options by their lenders. Despite the negligent lending practices that contributed to high-risk loans being
America is seen as the land of opportunity in that there are endless possibilities for an individual. In this land of opportunity, Americans strive to obtain the ideal known as the American dream. The American Dream is seen as the accomplishment of an ambition achieved while challenged by adversity.1 Americans often associate this success with the ownership of a home. The home is not simply a place of basic protection; there is a much deeper connection to the individual. Ownership of a home grants freedom and security that establishes a sense permanency for the individual. In contrast, renting a living space possesses a semblance of instability and dependence.2 The desire to improve ones’ position in life inspires one to
Europe and elsewhere to the United States, and from the east to the west within the
Foreclosure has hit so many people in the U.S. that now people feel like giving up. America is known for pushing forward and fighting for a better tomorrow, but now it seems like that tomorrow is only going to get worse. Fighting foreclosure starts in the home with the family. The parents are the ones needing to be a light in the children’s eyes and showing them a good way of saving could help them also in the future by not making any mistakes with their credit. Jobs are scares but getting any job period could allow some of the debt to slowly fall off. Even if it comes to having to sell your house, doing it the best way can only helps your credit which will help you in the long run when you are in need of buying another house. Letting go
potential homeowners to purchase their own homes. Loans that had at one point been impossible
Banks now offer programs to help homeowners/homebuyers, but many times, these loans are often hard to obtain. The current programs have more stringent requirements that are unreasonable for distressed homeowners. In my opinion, the only way to rectify the foreclosure issue is to make a substantial change in how potential homebuyers and homeowners obtain loans.
The United States economy has been in trouble for the past couple of years. The foreclosure crisis is a condition that began due to the inability of homeowners to pay their mortgages. Foreclosure is a legal proceeding whereby a lender obtains a legal termination of a debtor’s right to redemption. The foreclosure rates have been increasing for a considerable period and certain steps have been put into place to solve the problem. While the government, financial institutions and the general public are highly aware of the crisis, the steps taken to combat the problem are still not sufficient as the foreclosure rates are still increasing.
Seeing other people reactions towards foreclosure helps me to develop a meaningful value of life and how to appreciate it everyday of my life. As I see what is going on around me I came up with three plans that can be executed to help all people who are dealing with foreclosure issues. This can become a major factor for the economy. One is called Own A Home , Financially Fit, and Bills To Kill. These are guaranteed plans that will help any individual that feels that they are not financially secured to become a homeowner. The Own A Home program is designed for aspiring homeowner in which they