Last Friday October 21st, 2016 Buckeye Union High School pumped the students up for the win against Youngker at the Homecoming parade. The parade was led by ROTC followed by a diverse selection of clubs offered at Buckeye Union. To get students eager and confident about the football game that would happen later that evening, there was the burning of the pony. There was candy thrown to the elementary kids and parents who showed up to support the kids and teachers in the parade and show their school spirit. Sophomore Taelor Vanous showed her school spirit when she took children of a family friend to enjoy the different floats and candy. When asked where she thought the best place to stand was she stated “behind the elementary kids because that’s
This experience truly defined who I became and who I am now as a leader. I
All I want, and all I have ever wanted, is for people to view me as a leader. Someone you can come to for advice when needed, or one of my best qualities, to make people laugh when they are feeling down on themselves. In September of this year, 2017, I was chosen as one of the candidates for Homecoming King. In October, I was chosen to be the Homecoming King. I could not have been more honored to be a representation of my school. A teacher had seen me working as a student helper in the main office, and just had to tell me, “Kurt, congratulations,” I replied with a gracious thank you. She then went further to tell me, “ It is so nice when good things happen to good people,” replying again with a compassionate thank you. Then, it had become apparent
For many years, Amory High School pep rallies have created a fun and energetic atmosphere, exciting students for that Friday night football game. Pep rallies are assemblies before sporting events that generate school spirit throughout the crowd and are favored by the students at Amory. A lot of hard work goes into bringing an exciting Amory High School pep rally to the table, including planning it and then actually executing the pep rally on game day.
If I was able to attend a large crowd, I would want to attend a cubs parade. I would go because if the cubs were in the parade, that would mean that the cubs had won the world series. One of the highlights of going to a cubs parade would be to see all the cubs players on the double decker busses. The only bad thing would be that going to a big world series parade will attract tons of people. Another great thing would be seeing all the cub's players give their speeches to the crowds. All of the players would all talk about what they liked about this season.
Arrayed in semi-formal attire students attended the 13th “Farewell Dance”, which was held in the Christopher Columbus Middle School gym. Each year a different theme is used and this year’s was “Circus”. The 278 member graduating class passed by a colorful, surreal entry of oversized lollipops before descending into the Big Top area.
The Mission parade was on September thirtieth, with almost every person in the town being there, at least that’s what I think.
What is the Selma March – On the 2nd of January 1965 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) joined the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Dallas Country Voters and other local African Activists who were in a voting rights campaign, and they decided to make Selma, Alabama, the focus of its efforts to register black voters in the South because there was infamous brutality of law enforcement under Sheriff Jim Clark.
Veterans Day Assembly, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 was in the gymnasium at Brush Middle School. All three-grade levels attended. The 8th grade students at Brush Middle School performed a half hour long skit. The theme of the assembly was “World War II, Our Nation’s Greatest Generation.” The students had costumes which were period correct for World War II era. The skit showed how the country worked together in order for our country to stay strong thorough World War II. The band had several patriotic pieces that they played throughout the skit. All veterans in attendance were honored when each branch of service was announced. The student audience gave standing ovations for those who had served our country. The keynote speaker, Mr. Smith is a World War II veteran and as a well-known community member, the students were very impressed with his inspirational speech. After the assembly, all
Because of the physical demand, skill set needed, and the rules set to tumble, stunt, and jump, competitive cheerleading should be considered an official sport. Yet cheerleading has rules, guidelines, training, and many other things other sports also include. It also is definitely a physical and contact sport which has caused countless injuries throughout the years of the sports existance. But, most people only know cheerleading as sideline (school) cheerleading and have not had a glimpse into the world of competitive (All Star) cheerleading.
At South Walton High School homecoming is an extremely important tradition. Not to mention, South Walton includes an unbelievably small number of students compared to majority of the high schools throughout the America. As I proceed through my senior year, I came to a realization that it would be my last opportunity to participate in this year’s series of homecoming events. With homecoming beginning the week of September 26, 2016 I was overjoyed to express the amount of spirit I had for my school. As each day expressed a different theme I decided to dress up for many of the occasions. On “twin day” as Meredith Grey from the cast of Grey’s Anatomy. Twin day allows students to find a partner or group of friends that could arrange a similar outfit
You can tell a lot about a school by their marching band. At the beginning of my freshman year, I had the privilege of attending a Wisconsin Badger game at Camp Randall and it was an awesome experience. I have long forgotten the logistics of the game itself, but I still remember the marching band. With their high knees perfectly in step, their tight spins perfectly in time, and their shining silver instruments perfectly in position, the excitement they brought to the crowd was undeniable. I easily envisioned myself playing “On Wisconsin” on the field, hyping up fans with my music. After I learned flutes were not a part of Madison’s traditional style marching band, I decided to pick up playing the trumpet because I knew that one day, if I ever
Marching band was one of the most difficult/challenging activity systems that I have ever done in my life. But at the same time it was an inspirational and motivating aspect of my life. The very first thing it taught me was the definition of hard work. This was because I spent hundreds of hours to my dedication and devotion to band marching around the field in the hot sun every day. Even though there were times when I wanted to quit; one such instance was when we were out performed by another school, other times it was becuase of the teacher being a little too hard on me when I first started. Despite setbacks such as these, I had an ardent attraction to marching band, mainly because in middle school I was a part of concert band, which made me love music. The biggest, reason why I chose to do marching band, aside from my enjoyment of music, was because towards the end of my eighth grade year my middle school band director told us about a huge opportunity that we had coming up to become a part of the high school across the street marching band. They were called the Titan Regiment. She told us the difference between concert and
During the year, Student Council members have been behind the scenes of events like Homecoming week and the blood drives.
Throughout the novel “Homecoming,” the effects of the slave trade on the characters are explored. For example, Quey, the son of Effia, feels the pressure of carrying on his father’s slave industry in the midst of struggling with his identities. According to Quey, “he was one of the half-caste children of the Castle, and, like the other half-caste children, he could not fully claim either half of himself, neither his father’s whiteness nor his mother’s blackness. Neither England nor the Gold coast” (Gyasi 55). Quey makes it clear that he struggles to find his place in the world because he could never put an identity on himself. When asked to accept a position in his mother’s village, Quey was not enthusiastic about it because he had
Tony finished getting ready, and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors’ cars. Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn’t help but look around at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling