
Homeless Adults : A Comprehensive Assessment Of Health Care Utilization

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Homeless Adults Health Care Utilization under Universal Health Insurance in California
A review of the article: A Comprehensive Assessment of Health Care Utilization Among Homeless Adults Under a System of Universal Health Insurance

Hwang, S.W., Chambers, C., Chiu, S., Katic, M., Kiss, A., Redelmeier, D.A., & Levinson, W. (2013). A Comprehensive Assessment of Health Care Utilization Among Homeless Adults Under a System of Universal Health Insurance. American Journal of Public Health, 103(S2), 294- 301. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301369

(reviewer) Sonia Chavez
Program in Public Health
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697

Homelessness in the United States is at an all time high with 500,000 adults in the streets …show more content…

Introduction Homelessness affects one fifth of the United States population (Hwang et al., 2010). The homeless population experience health conditions at higher rates than the general population and fifty percent of them are uninsured or lack access to health care services (Kar, Kumar, Singh, & Upadhyay, 2015). This study examine the homeless population and examines their level of health care utilization to demonstrate that homeless individuals are intensive users of health services. Tracing the sample population 's health care encounters is critical in and addressing the gaps they face in access to healthcare and understanding the importance of health access as a result of their vulnerable situations. The researchers discovered that homeless people with provincial health cards were accessing health services at high rates, specifically Emergency Department and inpatient hospital visits. Despite the study 's comprehensive assessment of high utilization of health services amongst homeless people, the study is limited by a biased sampling strategy that favored participants with valid provisional health card numbers, use of secondary data analysis, and generalizations due to minimal references to other cities in California. Strengthening

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