Homework was a major component for Ashley’s and I work together. The point of homework, is to helps us synthesize all the information we learned and try to apply it to real life situations (Beck.J, 1995, p. 40). The homework will include a description of the skills Ashley learned through the week, as well as practicing this skill. By giving Ashley homework it will help her gain access to these skill within triggering situations. With homework we established that the goals were; to attempt applying the skills at all times, self-monitor, and record thoughts feelings and behaviors. Clinician: How did your weekend go? Ashley: Pretty good Clinician: Can I see your notebook? (she hands it over). Good weekend, except for the verbal argument you …show more content…
Ashley’s defiant behavior often came through when she would challenge me on what she perceived to be the facts of an event. Ashley would also feel the need to challenge me, when we would talk about seeing the bigger picture. For example, Ashley was escalated after receiving a consequence for not listening to a directive a staff member gave her. As she continued not to listen, the staff member continued to give her more consequences. In this particular interaction Ashley continue to talk about how she didn’t care about the consequences she received. I then began to explain to her that her nonchalant attitude will not get her far in life, and it is not going to help her being successfully discharged from this program. In this instance and many others, Ashley always had a rebuttal for any word of advice I had for her. Her oppositional behaviors usually triggered my counter transference with her, because Ashley really does want to do well for herself, and succeed. However, she knowingly messes up to demise the progress she has already made. It is hard and frustrating to see her wax and wane from good to bad. What would make me even more frustrated, is that she would pretend not to care. So my counter-transference was good, because I see beyond Ashley’s facade she presented of a tough person. However, it was very frustrating to see her inconsistency in improving her behaviors. I then began to notice …show more content…
There was many times where Ashley stopped speaking to me because I didn’t necessarily give Ashley the answer she wanted to hear. When going for supervision I ask my supervisor about how to reestablish, the therapeutic alliance Ashley and I had. Being that my supervisor has worked with Ashley, prior to my internship, he assured me that this is a pattern with her. He also mentioned that giving Ashley the space to be upset and mad with me was something that may be beneficial. He said “even though she is upset and not speaking with you, she knows regardless you are there for her” (Sims.S, Salter. L, Personal Communication). What I think my supervisor was trying to explain to me was that it was important to meet the client where they were. In that moment, my supervisor also explained that if I was not direct with Ashley during our meetings, then I would be doing a disservice to her. When my supervisor said that, I realized that if I am not direct with Ashley, that our relationship would not promote growth or change. The only way that change could be promoted if that Ashley was to build her own self-awareness. I feel like the supervisions I have had with this client, has been helpful to the development and maintenance of Ashley’s and I therapeutic relationship. Getting to know Ashley better also taught me how to balance when it was and was not appropriate to cross boundaries that may trigger
With the passage of time, we tried to communicate with each other. I started understanding my supervisor methods and thoughts. I know that last semester I started my practicum late, and it was very hard to build a stable relationship with my supervisor in very short time. Now, My supervisor is always supportive and helpful even if I have done small work with my clients and discuss with me the progress that my clients. She always apologizes if she feels that she does not give me enough work to do. She is a good listener; she reacts immediately if I have a certain problem need to be addressed. I appreciate her willingness to listen to me anytime I need to talk to her. I have experience parallel process in my supervision that impacted my work with my clients. My supervisor has established a good relationship with me that is full of trust and respect and maintained safe and clear boundaries. That affects my work with my clients to offer and build an appropriate relationship and safe boundaries with
The main conflict in “Seventh Grade” is internal because it takes place in Victor’s mind. I know this because in the passage Victor struggles for confidence to impress a girl named Teresa. In the “Melting Pot” the conflicts are external because they take place between different groups of people in a neighborhood who do not get along because of their culture.
The English Department at Parsippany High School is known for Mrs. Sanchez’s Honors English 3 class. Through the first week of school, I found out that the class is notorious in PHS because of the tough demands and work load that would be placed on me. First, an essay on 1984 hit me, then a project on Tess of the D’Urbervilles, and then we went right into reading Beowulf. I had no idea that the class was going to be as hard as people actually said it was. However, I stood undeterred with any assignment that would come my way, as I was mentally prepared and took on everything with the best of my abilities. Even though I did not succeed in some cases, I did not let that bring me down, and continued to focus on the greater skills I would develop
The article “No More Homework” mainly talks about how many school have gotten rid of homework, even principles think making homework disappear. Why? Well people have a lot of reasons why homework should not exist. Others say it should stay the same.
After reading this excerpt of the high school senior, I was reminded of the many seniors from my high school that acted this way. They were the typical ‘okay’ students who, if they applied themselves, could be the ‘great’ students. Teachers would see these students as intelligent, but just not reaching their full potential by putting the necessary amount of work and effort in. As a result, the teachers would allow the student to pass in work late or never turn in certain assignments. This only hurts the student in the long run, as professors in college do not take work late or gives students special accommodations. Some professors do not care if you pass or fail.
Everything is an accurate representation of me as a student except for sophomore year. Sophomore year, my grades dipped do to an unfortunate event that took up lots of my time and focus. During sophomore year my parents were going through with a divorce that was both nasty and prolonged. It took up a lot of my emotional, physical, and mental efforts that year moving my focus from school to my home life. Hearing them argue and yell at each other all the time was incredibly taxing and moving between living with my father and my mother every week was something new. My head simply was not where it needed to be and I often stayed up late at night doing homework and often forgetting to turn in assignments. I spent most of my time away from homes
This week involved some serious reading. Not only did I cover, this weeks reading assignment, I also reread all the previous chapters. This was perhaps over-kill but it should position me well in the last week prior to the finals. Surprisingly the most difficult sections to read was from the prior two weeks. I might have mentioned in my last journal that I found the concepts greasy and difficult to hold onto. It appears they slipped my mind and had to be relearned. This time the material appears to have stuck and hopefully will remain there, at least until the final exam.
To truthfully evaluate myself this year, I was satisfied with the work I have produced this year. I have manage to show effort in my work and be able to fully complete a piece. For example, I was able to be an efficient worker when I was focused and work hard. While my work certainly wasn’t the best, I was able to make it to the best of my ability.
When I knocked on the door to get Ms. Autumn from her classroom, she gave me a huge smile and excitement as though she was ecstatic to see me. She was ready to go before I could finish talking with her teacher. She was wearing her favorite team jersey, which was Alabama. As we made our way to the library I asked her about her trip to New Orleans to see her mother; she told me the trip was great and that she enjoyed spending time with her family. My client told me the only thing she disliked was the drive because it was a very long one. She also stated that her mother’s next door neighbors caught their roof on fire because they were outside popping firecrackers. The attitude I received from Ms. Autumn was happiness, joy and love from which she
In my opinion, I think assigning homework is a good idea because you'll help yourself. I think you'll understand the work you're doing in class. Homework will help you be someone better in life when you graduate.
When I write an assignment, from a simple analysis to a research paper, I always start with writing an outline. The outline helps me with the flow of my writing and reminds me where my work will take me. The outline keeps me organized in my thoughts and aids in the comprehension of my writing; it will start out very broad and eventually becomes very specific so the essay is easier to write. I have gotten into the habit of writing outlines when I would write any assignment during my sophomore year of high school. My teacher would require us to write outlines for major writing assignments which developed my habit to write an outline for any assignment. After the outline, I begin writing the assignment and edit while I write. I do this by briefly
omework teaches students to work independently and develop self-discipline. homework encourages students to take initiative and responsibility for completing a task. homework allows parents to have an active role in their child's education and helps them to evaluate their child's progress.It improves a student's thinking and memory. It helps a student develop positive study skills and habits that will serve the student well throughout life. Homework encourages your child to use time wisely. Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons and material are being understood by their students.
Homework is used to get clients to apply cognitive therapy techniques outside of therapy sessions. For example, clients can be given homework assignments to record daily thoughts and emotions and to hypothesize how thoughts influenced emotions.
As the last year of my college career starts dwindling away, I have been contemplating some of the many things that I would want to implement or not implement in my future class. One of the topics that I have been pondering over is student homework. I have been asking myself should I have assigned homework for my students or not?
What I did when writing the exercises in class and for homework was show a domestic setting where they watch TV game shows after dinner while the main character soaks the dishes. This leads to them saying how crazy their mother can seem and Miss Black Tie trying to agree but saying it in a way that makes them wonder how to react to the statement. They end up changing the subject and avoiding any mention of it again, a slight pain that they think both should just pretend it was never said. No matter how much Miss Black Tie asks what’s wrong, her questions ignored until she also lets it drop.