
Hoosiers Analysis

Decent Essays

Hoosiers is a film about second chances. It’s about a small town basketball team making a comeback from their loosing streak with the help of their new head coach. The Hickory Huskers begin their season with new coach Norman Dale, whose coaching techniques rile up the townspeople and parents. He arrives at the school being a decade out of coaching the game and having a troubled past. Coach Dale is thrown many challenges with the townspeople not trusting him, the team’s best player not playing and the fact that the small town team is overmatched. However, his optimism, motivation and toughness helped gain the loyalty of the team and the attention of the town.
According to the film, Hickory, Indiana is a place where “basketball players are treated like gods”. The town takes basketball very seriously, it is literally a way of life for them. The Hickory Huskers may not be the best team in the area, but the community is very supportive of the team. Every week the whole town comes together for the games to cheer on the Hickory Huskers and the townspeople have meeting to try coming up with solutions to help better their performance. However, the towns approach is aggressive and their strategies to win are different from Coach Dales. For example, a group of men from the town barge into one of the team’s practices and criticize Coach Dale that they should be practicing with the ball instead of doing strength exercises. Coach Dale believed that for the team to improve he needed to

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