
Hormonal Imbalance Research Paper

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Various reasons have been proven as to why people begin suffering from hair loss. Hormonal imbalance is vital to a healthy, cancer free mind and body but can be disrupted in many ways. It can be caused by things like toxins, menopause, perimenopause, or living an unbalanced lifestyle. A human’s hormonal cycle can and does vary at multiple different times in our lives, therefore allowing this to have a direct impact on the quality of hair. This phase is said to be very common and is able to occur in anyone's life. Hormonal imbalance is experienced by women many times during her pregnancy. During these nine months, as everyone may have already experienced, women’s hormones tend to be all over the place. Once she has given birth, those hormones …show more content…

It is also a target of various different neurohormones, neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters that contribute to regulation of hair follicle growth, pigmentation, and energy metabolism. A large number of additional neurotransmitters have been discovered. One of these important groups is known as the neuropeptides. The neuropeptides function as neuromodulators and neurotransmitters. Not only do neuropeptides function as transmitters, but also as neuromodulators. Neuromodulators are referred to as a process where a given neuron is using one or more chemicals in order to regulate diverse populations of …show more content…

The case is about the same with thyroid hormones. The hypothalamus is apart of the brain that produces thyroid-releasing hormones. This hormone pairs with what is known as our pituitary gland to begin the production of a thyroid-stimulating hormone. This pairing up acts on the thyroid in order to produce thyroid hormones, which travel through our bodies.
Hirsutism is the name given to male-patterned hair growth in females. Women who have this condition grow dark hair on their face, feet, chest, stomach, and back. Acne, deep voice, irregular periods, and small breasts are more symptoms of this condition. Sometimes there is no cause that can be identified for facial hair growth in women. With respects to the relationships between hormones and our hair growth, the role of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) hirsutism is best acknowledged(). Accordingly, therapeutic strategies that intervene in androgen metabolism have been successfully developed for treatment of these conditions. Clinical observations of hair conditions involving hormones beyond the androgen horizon have determined their role in regulation of hair growth. These roles include being growth hormones, estrogens,cortisone, and thyroid hormones. Primary GH resistance is characterized by thin hair, while acromegaly may cause hypertrichosis. This causes hair loss and

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