
Horse Abuse Research Paper

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“The time has come to end this cruelty and open up a new chapter in our treatment of horses.”
- Humane Society
Does the horse abuser ever think how horrible it would be if you didn't get fed for weeks on end? The abuser thinks that it's alright to beat horses until they bleed or until they slowly die. Horse abuse of any kind is not alright; it's cruel. People abuse horses for many reasons; money, anger, or to feel like they are more powerful than a 1,000 pound horse. Horse abuse is becoming an enormous problem in society. There are rescuers out there, but many more are needed, and ultimately, the goal is to find good homes for these abused animals. Horses get mistreated in different ways, whether it's soaring, physical abuse or neglect. …show more content…

Furthermore, the slaughter pipeline process is when a horse goes from a home, to the slaughter, Amanda Batchelor writes about it, “Abused Horse Gets New Home” on the website, WPLG; “They can come from a good or bad home, but eventually, they can end up going to the slaughterhouse.” Horses that get brought to the slaughterhouse usually come from a horrible home and typically are sick, deteriorating, or abused. The people in the terrible home are the start of the slaughter pipeline, they mistreat the horse, they sell it or bring it to the slaughterhouse, the horse gets killed or can become in more pain. After the horse leaves the old residence, they go to a horrific place, “ If they really love them they wouldn't dump them into the pipeline” was said by Horse Human Society on the article “Help Save Abused Horses” by You Caring. The conditions that horses are put through are unbearable, standing in a pen with hundreds, no food or water. Millions of horses are killed just for meat, money, or the abuser is done with the horse. Horse slaughter is a brutal and terrifying way to end a horse's

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