
Hospital Falls

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Falls among Hospitalized Adults There’s an increased rate at which patients fall in hospital settings are affecting the healthcare industries, patients and family members. According to studies performed, it is evident that those who are mainly affected are the adults that are over 60 years of age. Some of the factors that lead to these falls are; visual impairments, wrong footwear and tripping are some of the external causes of falls among these hospitalized patients. Because this has become a major concern, research has embarked on how these factors have led to increased falls in these patients. Adult patients falls are major threat to patients safety and cost management in hospitals making prevention measures a key area of concern and …show more content…

One patient pays about $30,000 and the price rises because over 810,000 are hospitalized on an annual basis. The costs are calculated regarding the amount spent in hospitals as well as that which will be spent at home after discharge to ensure a full recovery. Other expenses are on drugs, processing insurance covers, and other medical equipment required in treating the patients. The John Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment has played an integral role in reducing the number of falls. The toolkit has reduced the number of falls to 20% since it was introduced. The license fees have also been reduced to $600 thus not hard for anyone to afford (Carrol, Slattum, & Cox, 2005). Clinical Practice Guideline These falls can be fatal as they have led to many deaths especially when it has to do with older patients. Because of this, the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) is a clinical practice that has been introduced to provide guidelines and principles as well as the role of nurses in fall prevention (Vance, 2011). The clinical practice has been formulated in a manner that gives both the nurses involved and the long-term care staff to have a clear comprehension of the risk factors that are associated with falls among older patients. The systematic approach provided by AMDA ensures patient assessment and choosing of the best interventions and strategies that will see to it that the patients receive the

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