
Hotel Rwanda Paul Rusesabagina Quotes

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It is within in our time, that the feasibility of the future has become present. Yet, it is also in this time that racial and religious backgrounds often define someone as a human. This is regressive and is certainly not human. It is in this error, that we find conflict in Imago Dei, or image of God. Countless examples in scripture express that all humans, regardless of region, financial background, or social prestige, are created equally in the image of God. But, even at TG, this fact is often neglected. Why? What is often considered medieval in nature, is becoming increasingly relevant in many parts of the world. We see this, in modern times, in the social tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups in Rwanda. This friction, is fantastically portrayed in the movie Hotel Rwanda. The protagonist, Paul Rusesabagina, faced many …show more content…

It is though these actions, even in a time of social turmoil, that Paul reflected the importance of imago dei. Regardless of intentions, Paul’s actions are comparable to that of Christ. Jesus, a holy man without sin, descend to earth to save his people of self indulging sin. Paul, a man of supposed racial superiority, risked his life to save refugees of ethnic inferiority.
Both Jesus and Paul devoted themselves to a cause in which they had no intrinsic interest. Even though the risk was great and often times confusing, both followed through on their ethical endeavors to save humanity in their own unique way. Even with countless examples of scripture, in what circumstance did the Rwandan people find their disregard for human life? Over ninety percent of Rwandans identify as Christians, it is in this fact that I find great disgust knowing that genocide took

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