
Housing And Urban Development : San Francisco

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The number one state in America with the highest rate of homeless people is California with a total population of 113,952 homeless individuals with 71,437 of them being unsheltered (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD], 2014, p. 9). In 2014, San Francisco, CA was in the top-ten major cities with the largest numbers of homeless individuals totaling at 6,408 (HUD, 2014, p.11). The 2015 Homeless San Francisco Point-In-Time Count & Survey was conducted to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the experience of the homeless residents in San Francisco. Information from this study was collected from individuals and families sleeping on the street, emergency shelters, transitional housing, cars, abandoned properties, or in other places not meant for human habitation. A face-to-face representative survey was then taken from 1,027 participating homeless individuals to be used to profile and estimate the condition and characteristics of San Francisco’s homeless population (Applied Survey Research, 2015). Respondents were asked basic demographic questions such as age, gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. The distribution of age in homeless individuals varies between age groups. The highest populations of respondents were middle-aged adults between 41 and 50 years of age (23%) and the lowest were 61 years or older making up only 8% of respondents (Applied Survey Research, 2015, p.28). The second largest populations were under the age of 25 (18%)

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