*Clank as I closed the cage for my cat as we set him in the backseat as we prepare for the vet. Wondering what was wrong with Chubbs. But what happened later changed my life forever. I wasn't ready for what happened. It strucked me hard. October 7th, 5:32 P.M That day we gave my cat a bath and well for starters it was a turning point down to the worst. Around add a later we noticed something was wrong with him, he was heavily breathing like the wind was always knocked out of him. It always looks like the energy was draining from him more more as I saw him. He started to stop eating to A limited amount, he used to be able to jump on my bed, well not anymore anyway. She wouldn't never really go up to me and you started sleeping more often. It …show more content…
I was getting ready for school tomorrow and I had made a miniature bed for chubs in the kitchen earlier that day. he was looking more dried out since the visit. my mom's friends had left a good 30 minutes ago they stopped by to see what is going on and to socialize of course, seeing the Bed I Made Chubbs they said goodbye to him and gave him a abundant amount of lovins. Around 10:05 p.m. I had got everything ready for bed and I gave chubbs a hug and kiss, telling i loved him before i went to bed. But what I didn't know that would be his last goodbye… October 16th 5:15 a.m. My mom woke me up and told me the news.. Chubbs has passed away. As she spoke those words it struck me like a bullet into my heart, Shattering my emotions like a glass mirror. after she had said that I quickly rushed into the kitchen. and I saw the lifeless corpse of my beloved cat. My first instinct was to take a picture with my Ipod, doing so I have took the picture and put the device away. Coming back to his corpse it struck me harder than a glass window being struck by a hammer.I got on my knees my face covered by the cold hard truth of what I had happened. being thrown into a pit list void of isolation depression, I didn't know what to do. only had one instinct to do which was cry. my parents also being shocked of the passing hugged each other in remorse. The lesson i've learned is that don't be attach yourself to someone to long. I have been hurt to long . This is dedicated to my first cat
Ms. Melissa Arena, RHIT, CHC, HIM Manager and Corporate Compliance Officer at St. Ann’s Community in Rochester, NY, was interviewed on December 7, 2015. The interview started with asking Ms. Arena if she could talk a little bit about herself and what her position is. She continued to say that her current position was her second career, she was a mortgage loan processor back in the 80’s and 90’s. Ms. Arena had gotten laid off from three separate mortgage companies before she realized she needed a different career and college career in order to be successful. Being a single mother of two early teenage girls, Ms. Arena was holding two part time jobs and doing the HIT program took her 5 years to complete as well as another year before she was able to feel comfortable to sit in for the exam. There was an interest in finding out how long she had been in her position and when asked, she stated that she was in Corporate Compliance Officer since 2011, as an HIM Manager since March of 2002 and by the SAC HIM Department since 2000 as a part time file clerk.
Despite the chaos, I remained calm, composed, and deeply involved, eager to learn about her diagnosis and treatment options. Although she ultimately succumbed to her injuries, the experience reinforced my passion to pursue veterinary medicine. From that moment onward, my path was clear. I knew that if I could handle and hold the strength and determination to help our kitten, I had what it took and the qualities necessary to assist other animals in need. Thus began my journey into the field of veterinary medicine.
We had arrived home one day, after a storm, and we found are cat outside. I went to go pick him up and bring him inside, then I saw his eye. There was red and white goo coming out of his eye. I had no idea what had happened to his eye but it looked really bad.
I kept thinking about TImothy and how amazing he was. I was walking to the beach when I heard Stew cat yelp. I searched for what felt like four hours. I finally found a cave. I tried to reach down to the bottom when I felt Stew cats paws on mine. Then, I felt three more sets of paws. I was confused, at first I thought there were more cats on the island, but then I realized that Stew cat had three baby kittens. I set my whole day to preparing a house for them and getting a lot of food.
On November 12th I let my cats out, as usual, to let them enojy the nature that we love. I always appriciated my cats listening to me, but like any other kitten they had "their days." They starred at the streets acting as if I was not calling them inside. I innocently made sure they got what they wanted and left them out over night. Like every morning I make sure my cats get fed, but whose going
That traumatic night clearly showed me all that I had to lose, people and pets alike, and how suddenly it could happen. It also made me appreciative of all that I currently have. Ultimately, I realized how empty my life would be without my pets’ companionship. My suffering ceased when I could finally see Sally again, and I knew that she would be fine for the time being. My overall experience during this phase of my life truly gifted me with a previously unseen perspective, allowing me to value my loved ones every
We walk back to the shelters to get some sleep, and I sit there awake for a minute until my father falls asleep. In the morning when I awake, my father is very sick, so I take him to the doctor. The doctor rejects to help because he is a surgeon. I take my father back to the shelter to let him rest some more. I leave him to go outside to get more coffee. I think back to all the things me and my father have been through. Losing my mother and sister will always reply through my head, remembering them holding hands and moving off to the left, and my father holding onto my hand, and we walking away from them. The last thing I got to do was just look into there eyes and turn and walk away. Once I got back I found my father not there. I knew where he had gone, they had taken him to the furnace. I dropped to the floor wanting to cry, wanting to have a fit like a normal teenager. Deep into his feelings he thought “Free at last.” He was free to only think about surviving, and not to worry about anyone but himself. I will miss my father. I love him. I will never forget how much he did for me, he is the reason why I am still
Throughout history, a woman's role is to be an obedient and respectful wife. Her main obligation is to support, serve, and live for her husband and children. In Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Susan Glaspell's Trifles, two different women make a decision to take matters into their own hands by doing what they want to do, no matter what the outcome may be and in spite of what society thinks. These two women come from different homes and lead very different lives yet, these two women share similar situations--both are victims, both are seeking individuality, and initially, both women end up alone. There are many ways that Nora and
September 27th 2009. I was on my dad’s weekend and my mom was in the hospital for a weeks. I would visit her every day and sometimes bring her flowers. But on september 27th I woke up and walked into my living room and my dad was sitting on the couch looking sad. I asked what was wrong and then a knock was heard on the door it was my step dad and half brother. My step dad had puffy eyes he was crying. He told me to sit down and my brother came out and sat next to me. My dad looked at us and he spoke up your mother had just passed this morning. I was shocked I was hurt I was scared.I didn’t know if i should cry or run away. I’ve learned that losing someone you love is tough.
It’s been 5 years since that night at my grandma’s house in 2012. We went up to my grandma’s cabin around Thanksgiving but something wasn’t right. My dog Birch wasn’t acting right. We went to bed thinking everything was ok, but during the middle of the night, Birch ran away. He was found in the woods near my grandparents house. My dad brought him back into the house and we all went back to sleep. But in the morning, I woke up to find Birch lifeless on the ground. My mother next to him and my dad on the bed. As I walked into the room I tried to hold the tears back but it was too hard. The tears flowed down my face and over my hands as I covered my mouth. Birch was dead. It took a while for this to
I constantly feared the worst-case scenario: death. That feeling I had, it was something I wouldn 't wish upon anyone. My heart ached, hoping and praying for the best. Monday, we went to visit her, and she looked awful. She couldn 't even stand. Something in my mind told me she wasn 't going to make it. I tried to fight that feeling, but once we were home, I collapsed on my bead and burst into tears. I couldn 't shake the feeling she was going to die. It was the one time I wished for me to be wrong. Unfortunately, I wasn 't. Tuesday, she ended up passing away while being transported to an emergency animal treatment center.
As we drove to the vet, Aj was crying like hecka, and I was starting to tear up just watching Aj cry. When we reached the office and walked to the vet’s room, it was time to inject Rexx to put him to sleep. With watery eyes we watched as the vet injected the Euthanasia solution into Rexx. Rexx lied down slowly, and after a few more deep breaths, stopped breathing and died. Aj, mom, and I cried during the whole process. It was even more sadder since Rexx died with his eyes open, so you can just stare into his lifeless eyes. I closed Rexx’s eyes since I couldn’t bear to look into them, and we all continued to cry for a while. When it was time to leave, I petted Rexx for the last time feeling his soft puffy fur, and
Let me start off with an apology. When things first began, it was simple. So it goes that life eases into a dull, rhythmic, verse. You got lost and that’s my fault. All I am is sorry. Where did you go, I wonder? I ripped you from my warmth so many times in the velvet of night. So many times you stayed hidden amongst the shelves and floorboards; finding yourself reserved to that small corner on the sofa. What were you thinking of then? Somehow, you always found your way back to me. Somehow you tangled yourself around my skin and frighten off the chill. This…this feels like goodbye. Where did you go? How neglectful I was to disregard you- the very thing that gave me so much consistent comfort. My soul bearer of entertainment on rainy days and
I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. His body made a hard impact on the ruthless concrete that caught his fall. In a blink of an eye, I dropped to my knees and was now wrapping my arms around his lifeless body, hoping my warmth would bring him back. But to my disappointment, his body was still. I let my numb fingers gently graze his bitterly cold skin. For every second my finger tips came in contact with his skin, my heart shattered even more. I choke back a sob when I dared to make eye contact with his blank ones. My mouth was uncontrollably spewing out apologies to the love of my life. I was sorry. I was in pain. My body was numb while my heart sunk, and my stomach twisted into a bitter
The term repetitive strain injury is used to describe a range of painful conditions of the muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. It is mainly caused by repetitive use of part of the body. It is usually related to a task or occupation but leisure activities can also be a cause. Unlike a normal strain following a sudden injury, symptoms of RSI can persist well beyond the time it would take symptoms of a normal strain to ease.